Video: Your Membership, Your Benefits: A Closer Look at NCRC Membership

Online Event Archive Recorded August 15, 2023
Learn what resources, services, content and networking opportunities your membership includes and how being an NCRC member can help you in your fight for a #JustEconomy. Members shared their tips for making the most of your membership and NCRC Membership staff walked through NCRC’s newest member features.


Stephen Glaude, President and CEO, CNHED
Ralph Cyrus, Membership Engagement Specialist, NCRC
Diane Hsiung, Membership Engagement Manager, NCRC
Caitie Rountree, Director of Membership and Events, NCRC


NCRC video transcripts are produced by a third-party transcription service and may contain errors. They are lightly edited for style and clarity.

Hsiung 0:14
Well, let’s get started. I know there’s quite a bit we have to get through. So just a quick overview, contact. I know many of you have, you know, joined us for the Webinar, but you know, any questions you have put it in the q&a chat, we’ll answer them throughout the webinar, as well as during the end of the webinar, too. And, you know, feel free to chat with your other peers in the chat as well. I would like to introduce myself, I’m Dianne Hsiung, I’m the membership Engagement Manager at NCRC. And today, we are joined by a few of my colleagues, Catie Rountree, Director of membership, Ralph Cyrus, membership engagement specialists, as well as our guest, speaker, member and board member, Steve Glaude is the executive director of coalition for nonprofit housing and economic development. So with that said, I know you’re here for, you know, one on one on membership, and CRC. Next slide, please. Go back one. There we go. Alright. Ralph, have you take away, take it away and talk about NCRC?

Cyrus 1:39
All right. Good afternoon, everyone. I’m just going to give you a little breakdown of what NCRC is, how we came about and what can we do what is our mission, we’re essentially a network of member organizations, and individuals who are dedicated to create and deliver opportunities for people to build wealth. Our members include community reinvestment organizations, Community Development Corporation’s local state government agencies, faith based institutions, lending organizations, community organizing, organized organizing civil rights groups, and community advocacy groups, the Community Development Fund indexes, minority and women owned business associations, social service providers at the state, local national level, and what our mission is to make a just economy, national and local reality. A little bit of background on NCRC is that we were formed in 1990, by national regional local organizations who were focused on increasing the flow of private capital into traditionally underserved communities, whether that was by race or by by level of income. And now we’re over 700, community based organized sections that promote access to basic banking services, affordable housing opportunities, entrepreneurship programs, workforce development programs, job creation, and just overall and creating vibrant communities for working families all across the country. And that’s a little bit of a breakdown of what NCRC is how we were formed. A big part of our mission has been based on the the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 that basically mandated that banking, lending institutions, financial institutions have to start trying to commit capital to traditionally underserved communities, as well as putting measures in place that we can now start measuring how much of of capital how much of the lending is happening and build those opportunities, so we know where to go from there.

Hsiung 4:27
Great, thank you so much, Ralph, for the overview about NCRC. Next slide, please. All right, so the big question that I know many of you are here, why join NCRC? So I just wanted to talk to you about and just highlight three kind of big themes about our membership, why you should join us, you know, what’s in it for you to be a member with NCRC so the first overarching theme I would say is, we’re a national organization, you know, you have access to this national network as a member, where I know some of you are all different sizes as an organization in terms of staff, as well as work. But once you are a member with NCRC, you can tap into this network, interact with others who may not be you know, in your geographical area, and increase that type of interact and type of relationship and relationship with others, you wouldn’t typically meet on a day to day basis. The second thing is NCRC is your knowledge tour guide. We have the expertise to kind of provide you roadmaps, any type of assistance in your knowledge, journey through if you’re a beginner in the type of work that you do in community development, or you’re an expert, but want to round out kind of that journey that you’re looking for. And then thirdly, is we’re here for you, you know, NCRC, with our national presence with our expertise, you know, where your connector to kind of see what’s next for not only you and your work your organization, your local community, as well as giving you ideas of what are the national trends that connect to your local work that you do? Or what are the best practices that I can connect you with your other local peers in the industry? So those are the three big overarching, I would say benefits of why you should join us NCRC. So with that in mind, I’m actually going to turn this over to my colleague, Catie, who can kind of speak to as well as our speaker, Steve, about what are those tangible examples of benefits with NCRC? Next slide, please.

Rountree 6:58
Yeah, so thanks, Diane. And thank you, Ralph. So we’re gonna go through some of the just the more concrete ways that we work with our members to equip y’all in the work to create a just economy, I’m going to share at a very high level, a few things. And I’m going to go back and forth with Steve who’s going to kind of, you know, share the real world what this looks like, for him as an NCRC member, so that you can really kind of put yourself in those shoes and think about what this would look like for you. So a huge aspect of what we do for our members is connect them around policy advocacy work, and CRC is a bridge between what’s happening on the ground in your communities and what’s happening in the federal government. This works in two directions. On the one hand, we work to keep you informed about regulatory and legislative changes that directly impact your work and the people you serve. To equip you with the skills and data you need to advocate for your communities. And opportunities to push for the changes needed to create a just economy. So that’s where we’re working to feed you information resources in the other direction. We’re taking the stories, the information, the data, the insight that we get from you, our members, and we’re using that to determine what economic justice issues we take on. And we fight long and hard regulatory and legislative campaigns on behalf of your communities. And in DC, the reason why folks listen to NCRC is because of our members. It’s not just that we have a large number of members over 700 members, it’s that those members themselves wield influence with their elected officials and will stand with us, when called upon, we really are stronger together. NCRC is power is irrevocably tied to our members to y’all. And so we’re working in collaboration with y’all to create that just economy. So for example, under Trump’s administration, the OCC attempted to get the Community Reinvestment Act NCRC, rallied our members fought back, gave you all the tools to push all sorts of levers regulatory, legislative, local, federal, took it from all angles, we halted that attack on CRA. And then when the three agencies that oversee our country’s financial institutions began the work of updating CRA for the 21st century in earnest. At that point, NCRC was at the front of that work, getting input from you, our members, educating you guys on the nuances and what was likely what was going to be challenging what the nuances were of that rulemaking process so that our members would have the best possible influence on the rulemaking process. And now here we are in 2023. Once the new rule is released, the biggest modernization in 30 years, we’ll begin the hard work of digesting over 1000 pages of legislation, sharing with you what it means for your work and outlining you areas where we’re going to need to keep pushing together. So that, you know, that’s one example of how we work with our members. And again, in that two way, you’re influencing us so that we can influence in DC. we’re equipping y’all you are equipping us. It’s a very collaborative, iterative relationship for us to do that, that advocacy work. So I’m going to turn it over to Steve now. And Steve, I’d love to hear from you. How you use the national knowledge, the NCRC, as provided in the advocacy space.

Glaude 10:37
Thank you so much, before I kind of extol the virtues of NCRC membership, I just want to say that we’re really fortunate to have Diane, Catie and Ralph, as well as the other members of the team who kind of service the membership servicing the membership is not an unchallenging task, as I’m sure they will tell you, but I think they do a just an amazing job at keeping their finger on the pulse of what members want. And need. You know, my perspective is a NCIC member comes through a couple of lenses. One, I’ve had won three national membership associations myself. So I know the challenges of keeping a membership service and engaged and actually being attentive to being not only intendant, but interpretive of what the needs of members are, I think NCRC does a great job for that, I will tell you that dollar for dollar, I think that the investment, and an NCRC membership just pays dividends across the board. So when I first joined CNA, TD, we were already a member, I noted that we were a member. I also noted that some of my board members were members. So my early engagement was trolling my board members to see how engaged they were because I thought it might be a test about how engaged that was. And so it was it was kind of a a causal, if that casual connection. But in recent years, I have really come to see the benefit. And I want to lift them up in reflection to what Katie said. So one, the information services are really good if you pay attention to them. And I have to put that caveat in there, I realized that great stuff was coming into my inbox. But I was like, oh, that’s NCRC. And I would click on some things. And now I’m really disciplined and clicking on because I have found grant opportunities, I’ve found legislative updates, I’ve found trend information that I use locally that if I hadn’t clicked on it, I would have never really paid attention to. And then of course, you know, the center cut piece is around policy. One of the greatest advantages for me is I don’t have the capacity to track federal policy in a way that allows me to be informed, and substantively engaging of my local elected officials or my members, or even some of my funders and investors. And what NCRC does, in a couple of areas that include, obviously CRA and fair housing, and some other things is it really equips me, frankly, to be a better subject matter expert, than I’m capable of being on my own. And also being able to be responsive to my members, a lot of times, members will be in the midst of something that bumps up against either federal policy or some legislative issue. And I need to I need to be, I need to know where to go so that I can like, show up in a in a substantive way. And always go back to my NCRC. And then lastly, I want to lift up. And I’m happy to respond to, you know, more deeper dives around any of these, but I want to lift up the event. So, you know, NCRC puts a lot of energy and resource into its national conference, and national conferences, or national conferences or national conferences. But the NCRC conference has really evolved for me to be kind of a multi tiered benefit. So I seen resonance from our resident leadership team, so that they can connect with activists like themselves and other cities. And in the beginning, I thought this is cool. This is validating, but it’s turned out to be a lot more. So they come in to the NCRC conference, they learn what other communities are doing. And then they come back and hold us accountable to doing what other cities are doing. So they have driven the direction of our advocacy because of connections. They’ve made an NCRC and the other one is for my steps. So the NCRC conferences actually become a formal part of our staff development strategy. In the beginning, you know, I would go maybe my Director of Advocacy can go but I now found that my housing policy person Um, has shown interest and has attended my economic development policy person has attended. So we really treat the NCRC conference as a way to educate and network with our advocacy team, whether it’s the resident leadership team, our community voices working group, and we’ve also come to see it as a staff development thing. And then the last thing I’ll say this is more personal, is that it’s an amazing networking opportunity for me, I will confess that I have run into people at NCRC conferences that I have not seen in 30 years, which dates myself, but it also shows the rich connections that NCRC has maintained over the years, not just with new and emerging leaders that they’ve attracted, but also with legacy leaders who have so much history, and so much expertise to contribute in the space. And so I would just say, for information, for policy for events and for networking, I think it is a hugely worthy investment of not only your money, but your time investment as well.

Rountree 16:07
Perfect. Thanks, Steve. And that segues really well. If I can jump two slides down. I’m going to talk a little bit, you know, so talk about some of the policy advocacy, one of the things that Steve talked about was coming to our just economy Conference, which is one example of one of the things that’s most important to NCRC in the in how we do our work, we really value events as a way to connect our members to each other. And to connect y’all to cutting edge ideas, innovations and information. And to move the needle on important issues like these, our events tend to not just be informational, we’re actually trying to push forward specific agendas and specific work. So the just economy conference every spring, is a great example of that. You should mark your calendars now for April, 2 through the fourth and 2024. Here in Washington, DC. We also for any of those who are out in the Mountain West, we are hosting a regional Summit in September 26, and 27th. And that’s going to focus on water rights, access to affordable housing, Community Land Trust, health equity, and so much more. These regional summits are something that we do. This is our first one since back since the pandemic, but we we typically do a local base or a regional based event in the fall as a way to bring our content and connections to those geographies. So keep an eye out for those. Yeah, they’re, they’re one of my most favorite things about the work that we get to do. Besides those, those major two major events a year NCRC is convening webinars trainings throughout the year, again, that what we find is that bringing our members together with experts, whether at the national level of local level is really a key way that we can provide value to y’all and equip you for the work that you’re doing. Next, I’m going to go ahead and talk a little bit about some of the other ways that we are working to build our members capacity. There’s more and more, we’re looking for ways to increase our members capacity for the work that you’re doing. A lot of you are doing work that’s actually pretty challenging to fund a lot of you know, the work that needs to be done in your communities. It’s tough to do it, it’s tough to find the money for it. So there, this is, this is an area of NCRC that I would encourage you all to keep an eye on. One of the programs that we’ve been developing over the last several years is a fellowship program. We we run this program for master students to complete a community development project with our members. So we basically pair up a fellow with a member organization. We hear all the time from y’all that you need more hands, and even more good minds. This program allows members to tackle projects that they otherwise wouldn’t have had the capacity to get off the ground by leveraging the next generation of economic justice leaders. We’re currently in the midst of matching up fellows with NCRC members for this year. But again, that’s a an annual program that’s really provided a lot of value to a number of our members. I’ll ask Steve to talk about his experience with that in just a minute. Just I’m also going to ask Steve to share a little bit about his experience with our field Empowerment Fund. This in addition to other types of funding. Again, we’re looking for ways to identify funding for members that y’all can use to increase your scale your impact in the communities that you serve. So Steve, if I can turn it over to you?

Glaude 20:12
Yes, Teacher, I was playing partial attention. So you wanted me to talk about the healing Empowerment Fund? And what was the other and

Rountree 20:19
And the fellowship program?

Glaude 20:23
Yeah, so both of those have been huge benefits to see an ACD. And I don’t think that why they benefit us or unique to us, I think it probably fits in some way everyone on this call. So the fellowship program has really been about getting us talented expansion to some of our capacity challenges. It here at CNA, TD we are taking on more and more data driven work. And so part of how we’re influencing local policy is actually producing more data. So we had fellowships like fellows last year, who, who, who helped us with that, and that has actually led to us being awarded, actually local funding to do more formal research. So that that has been a really a great shot in the arm. And we’re hoping to participate again this year, because we have some work that is built on what we were able to do last year, that’s going to require even more expertise, and frankly, more capacity than we have. The field Empowerment Fund, I think is really, really huge. And, and again, I’m imagining that this is true for other jurisdictions. But for policy and advocacy and organizing work, our region has lost 70% of our funding in the last eight years to support these type of activities, organizing public education, advocacy and policy work. And so being able to get money through the field empowerment group grant program has just been a huge shot in the arm. And it’s the timing now is particularly important, because like so many cities, our revenues are shrinking here locally, because of the changes in remote working and loss of downtown, real estate, tax revenue and more. And so what we’re having to take on, in order to really kind of sustain political will, is really an empowerment agenda that we frankly, haven’t needed in recent years. And so the field Empowerment Fund is just so timely for us. And I’m imagining that some of you or many of you, if not most of you are facing similar dynamics in your community. So those are two tangible benefits. That is the NCRC member, we’ve been able to take advantage of them. And both have been really succinctly aligning with our emerging challenges as well as our emerging needs. So kudos to NCRC for seeing this as something that the field needs, and being able to garner the support from funders and investors to make such possible.

Rountreet 23:17
And Steve, we’re so excited about the work that you’ve been able to do with those resources. It’s just a it’s, they’re incredibly Yeah, just incredible projects. So just a handful of other tools that I want to highlight. The National Training Academy is another way that we are working to increase our coalition’s capabilities. This is really where to go to for skill building across the field. Our Training Academy provides really in depth training, some of it is virtual, some of it is self guided. So you know if your workday like mine is really full, and the only chance you have to invest in yourself is after everybody else is asleep. Personally, I’m at a stage where self guided trainings are really helpful for me. We also do in person trainings, and the content. We really are focused on a variety of kind of capacity building areas, grant writing, sustainability, strategic planning, program, service delivery, fundraising, needs assessment, impact measurement, storytelling. Some of the some of the trainings that we offered our offer are specific to particular fields like housing counseling, a lot of them are really designed to be the type of trainings that anybody in the community development space, anyone who’s in a nonprofit space would find valuable either for themselves as an executive or for program managers or for line staff. So I believe we’re sharing the link to that part of our website now so that you can take a look at See the types of curriculum that we offer, they’re really, really valuable resource, really excited to be able to, yeah, just deliver those that skill building. For our members in a variety of areas that we hear from folks all the time, that they just wish that they had had more access to that type of learning. I also want to lift up our fair lending tool. This is one of our most popular and most used resources. This is an interactive platform that allows you to easily navigate data from banks in your area, to compare their performance to each other in your market and along a number of different factors. I remember use this tool for everything from grant writing to advocacy. You know, if you’ve been around the NC RC circles for a while, you’ve heard us say that we believe that data drives the movement for economic justice. If that’s true, then this tool is like taking your car to the gas station five minutes in this tool. incredibly impactful for allowing you to drive your work with with data. I believe we’re also linking that in the chat, you can see some examples. Without joining, you can kind of see what’s in there. Members get exclusive access to that tool. And then last there, I just want to capture, one of the things that I love about NCRC membership is that we are very diverse. We have just on this one call, we’ve got folks who are supporting small businesses, folks that are pursuing affordable housing, developing affordable housing, protecting tenants rights, advocating for environmental justice, the list goes on and on and on. NCRC provides a lot of resources for different types of organizations, I can’t go into each and every kind of bucket, I like to say that if your organization is part of the work to create a just economy, and you should be a member, there’s probably some unique ways that we can be supporting you one area, I do want to lift up for those of y’all who are engaged in any kind of workforce development. That’s kind of an emerging area for NCRC, where we have recently begun supporting members who work on local workforce programs, through program analysis, technical assistance, and grant writing support to expand those types of initiatives. So I’m just looking that up as an example, that might be something that even those of you who have been around in CRC for a long time ago, oh, I didn’t know that. But also just as a, if you’re not sure ask that’s what Ralph is here for is our membership engagement specialist is to help connect you to all the different types of resources that are available at NCRC. And to make sure that we know what you’re looking for, so that we can then develop those resources for you.

Glaude 27:53
Hey, Caitie, I you know, as I as I listen, one, it just continually impresses me the array of services so clearly. But the other thing that I didn’t mention, and I think is worth mentioning, is being part of a, a national movement, the NCRC membership, I’ll use a colloquial term really does give it street cred with our national leaders, our representatives on the Hill are representatives within the administration. And for any of us who came to this last NCRC conference, the lineup of Cabinet members and other really influenced leaders that NCRC was able to attract was truly truly impressive. I mean, we were getting access to the decision makers and the representatives of the decision makers at the very highest level. And it is really because of NCRC membership, that that is but it is possible. Don’t get me wrong, Jesse’s a sweetheart, all those Cabinet members love him and all of that. But it’s really when they look at the NCRC membership. They say, Wow, this is a powerful national network. So I don’t want to I don’t want to kind of mass that one of the advantages is being part of a respected national movement. That’s one of the reasons we are so very intentional about maintaining our visible connection to NCRC.

Rountree 29:25
Yep, absolutely. It’s that it’s that integral tie NCRC is nothing without our members. And our members are able to really leverage that connection. And again, it’s really not the that legitimacy that street cred that Steve was talking about. Isn’t isn’t because you’ve got a relationship with Jesse van tol or the NCRC brand. It’s because we’re standing together that you know, somebody that folks on the Hill know that cabinet members know that if they’re talking to Steve got a they’re also talking to everybody To all of us. And so that that standing together is really, really key. Awesome. Well, I’m going to pause here, we’ve got just a couple of minutes for for questions about benefits. And then Ralph is going to come back on in just a minute to talk about what it looks like to actually join, who’s eligible price point, some of those nuts and bolts. So if you’ve got those questions, hold on to them. But any questions about membership benefits? I see. And Diane and Ralph, if you want to tee it up that that’s helpful. But I see a question about special webinars for just economy club. Most of our webinars are available for just economy, club members and organizational members. So Ralph will talk a little bit about those different types of membership in a minute. But being a Club member does get you a fair amount of access.

Hsiung 31:03
Ed, I did want to highlight going back on the policy and advocacy, I know we were talking about policies experience and how we have you used it as a, you know, as a national organization to leverage with agencies. Another thing for members, we do have monthly legislative regulatory call. I believe it’s third, when second or third Wednesday. So you can hear from our policy team and Government Affairs team, other individuals, whether it’s signing on a certain campaign, or what’s going on the hill, are they in the office? I know right now they’re on vacation break, but they’ll be coming back soon. So that’s a good one to start if you’re new to the space and advocacy world.

Rountree 31:56
And I see a question about data access. That fair lending tool is the first place that I that our members go for data analysis. If as members are going through that tool that raises other questions on our research team actually does a great job of working with members to define research projects, and offers reduced fees for some of those projects. If it’s a lot of times if it’s an easy data question. Or just where do i Where do I go for this? Our research team will very happily just work with our members and get that than that information as quickly as possible. And other more specialized asks, we can work with y’all to design a project and get you what you need in terms of data. Yeah, so share I hope that answers your question. I see a question about membership for coalition’s, right so and Steve can speak to this, you, a number of our members have members themselves. And so you kind of knew what the what benefits you’re able to pass on to your members. That’s something that and Steve, you know, feel free to jump in on this. That’s something that we are a little bit still figuring out exactly what makes sense, in part because we work with so many different types of coalition’s whose members have different levels of interest in different member value. So reach out to us, if there’s a specific member value that you’re hoping that you can deliver to your members. And a lot of cases we can we can make something work. But Steve if you want to speak to that specific Yeah,

Glaude 33:39
I mean, I think that there is a kind of line in the sand. So for example, we forward a lot of NCRC information to our members in by embedding some of it in our newsletter that goes out. So what enriches our newsletter, it demonstrates that we’re connected to federal policy work and legislative updates and things of that nature, we certainly pass on training opportunities, I will say that we encourage our members to become members of NCRC. Directly. We think that they want it just it builds the movement it it expands in TRCs membership, which is good for the bigger battles that we have to fight. And it also gives people their own direct connect, we tend to find ways to make participation in the NCRC conference more affordable in a direct kind of partnership with NCRC because we’re right here in DC and so, you know, our people don’t have to pay for airfare and they don’t have to, you know, go to get hotels and so we do a lot of creative things to try to cover as many registrations is possible. So I think that there’s a way to use the NCRC information in a way that makes you a good as an organization. And I think too the extent that your members can afford NCRC membership, it’s great to encourage that directly. And then that line in the sand is, I think something that NCRC still probably is grappling with, which is, you know, does a member of your group get a discount at the conference, you know, things of that nature, which I’m sure they will continue to try to right size and make work for everyone.

Rountree 35:29
Yep, that was great, Steve. All right, I think we have. Let’s see, we’ve got time for one, maybe two more questions. Let’s see.

Rountree 35:53
Ralph is going to talk about the just economy club in just a minute in terms of access. But if I can just share a little bit, I see some questions about that. So this is our individual membership is designed to be really deeply accessible for all individuals. There, it does get you a lot of access to the benefits that we’ve mentioned here. Occasionally, there’s particular campaigns where we’re, we’re really focused on organizational members signing on, or particular question or particular resources for organizational members, like you grant opportunities. But what we’ve realized is, as a coalition, we’re really focused on leaders, right, we’re developing leaders. And our leaders don’t always stay in particular organizations. And so we wanted to make sure that as, as folks are moving from organization to organization, or as folks are learning about us, and trying to get their organization to understand what it looks like to join with us as an organization, that there were opportunities for folks to engage, to support and to get access to some of the resources that we’ve discussed here. So that is a you know, again, Ralph will talk about, you know, specific levels, but just to, you know, to share a little bit kind of how we think about the just economy club. That’s the, that’s really kind of who, who that club is for, which is really kind of everybody, right, is that, you know, if you’re working towards a just economy, we want you to have an opportunity to stand with us. So. All right, and on that note, I’ll turn it over to Ralph. And I think we might have time for a question or two, at the end, if we’re careful about our time.

Cryus 37:44
Yes, thank you, Catie. And before I got started on eligibility, I just want to highlight that in the chat. As the Smith, our Director of Workforce Development, she put her contact information. So if anybody who’s looking to get involved in a workforce development program is that’s a interest of your work and you want to connect with NCRC, I would definitely say no, save her information, reach out to her and get involved in the network, because she does. She’s amazing in that field. Um, yes, quick breakdown of what our membership eligibility is. So we have three tiers, if you’re a nonprofit org, if your budget is under 500,000, we have the small tier which is $175. If it’s right, right below, between 500,000 and below 1 million, it is $350 at the medium tear in the large tears for a budget above 1 million, which is not $100 a year. Now, if you’re a government agency, we have some members who are like a local Department of Housing or Department of Community Development, those those tiers is the local $900 A year and if you’re a state agency, like a state, Department of Housing or state, HUD, HUD level, that is $1,500 a year, any educational institution, I think of like a legal clinic, a university that has a fair housing Research Center attached to it or any any Department of Sociology research, political science that that could their work could be tied to NCRC. That is the education’s here of 900 dollars a year. Now notice, the organizations that are eligible for membership are government agencies, educational institutions, and organizations that have a nonprofit status. Companies firms that that our for profit businesses are not eligible for, for membership, including banking institutions, financial and lending institutions. However, we do still want you guys to be involved in NCRC work. So we, that is partly where the just economy club comes in individuals, no matter where they were, if they’re interested in want to be involved in NCRC work, they can join the Justice economy club, that is the club that we provide for individuals to still have access to membership benefits to still be able to. Still, you know, use things like the fair lending tool, get on a member hub, listen to webinars, get good discounted rates on events, some things are not available to them, as Katie said, as far as like a lot of our CRA, and CRA advocacy and some of our organizing work. But a lot of the other membership benefits are available. And we have three tiers for that, that are completely voluntary. So it’s self self chosen, you can do it at at a monthly rate yearly, or just a one time individual rate. And it does start at $5 a month, but people can make the contribution level that they choose to, um, are making a continued donation at their own pace this bill.

Rountree 42:03
All right. Thanks, Ralph. So we are coming to a close here, we’re going to put a survey link in the chat. You feel free to use that to flag any additional questions that we don’t have time to get to in today’s webinar. But I also did want to give folks a chance to ask additional questions. And I’m just taking a look at some of the questions that are coming in. Doo doo.

Rountree 42:52
Ah, this is a great question. The Sorry, I just had a hard time putting words together. There’s a request for a map of NCRC regions, we we will be actually very soon updating our website to include a map that shows where all of our members are, which is kind of a new tech tool that we’ve been waiting for for a long time. So yeah, be on the lookout for that. Yeah, we really do have members all over the country. But you’ll be able to see, you know, by state where the members are that are closest to you or that you’re interested in seeing. Yeah. And I’m being told that I actually skipped ahead a little bit. So we’ll come back to some next steps in a second. And I will I think I’m turning it back over to Raul for that. Sorry, that was me jumping in too quickly, which is something I’ve been known to do. Ralph, I’ll turn it back to you. And then I’ll come back with it. Keep putting questions in the in the chat and I’ll come back to those in just a second.

Cryus 44:12
Yes, so there’s there’s a few next steps to come after this webinar. You can just to give you the link to join or renew. If your membership is not up to date, you can go to if you want to check to see if you are currently a member or you’re not sure, feel free to email membership at or you can email me personally are Just to say hey, I want to see if my my org is a member. I’ll be happy to get back to you If we can also help you get access to the member hub, if you don’t already, when you get into the member hub, just explore it, look at some of the look at some of the tools that we have the latest news the forum to see what other members are doing. Take your time searching and just explore what benefits look the most beneficial to you. And if you ever want to just know more about a particular benefit, something that we talked about in this webinar that you want, you want us to delve deeper into or just get an overall another breakdown of benefits. You feel free to email membership at NCRC. Or me personally to set up a member call. And we will be more than happy to chat about how NTRC can work with the work that your Oregon particularly does, and how we can be in support of it. And just any other benefits that you’re thinking about. And I will also like to turn you to our upcoming events, that you can find that and see There’s always upcoming webinars, you know, a summit or conference, one of the trainings that is available, or you could also hear about times that are the staff that we have in NTRC is doing an engagement at something that maybe area, and it would be great for you to connect to them personally. So always feel free to look up any of our events. And if you ever want to get connected, you know, always feel free to reach out to

Rountree 46:59
Awesome, thanks, Ralph. And apologies for Miss Miss ordering things here. I’m seeing a couple more questions, some of which we’re actually going to follow up offline, to just get into more detail. pausing for a minute for any additional questions. And, Steve, while we’re seeing some of those come in, can I ask you to share final advice? You know, what would you say to an NCRC member who’s trying to figure out how to best leverage their their membership with NCRC.

Glaude 47:43
So I think you know, the obvious ones we’ve talked about, which is pay attention to the information services that NCRC provides. And definitely the legislative updates are just invaluable. I find that their ability to track in a timely way, what’s going on on the hill, what’s going on with pertinent legislation. He’s just far beyond most of our local capacities, which is part of the reason for the purpose. But the last thing I would say is NCRC is building out bodies of work. Katie mentioned workforce development and how they’re trying to find ways to support Well, we’re in the process of launching a workforce development intermediary here in DC. And when I found out that NCRC was investing in supporting that work at the local level, I intend to, you know, take advantage of that. But they have other areas that the staff and the team is working in. One of the things, I find that when there is alignment with what NCRC which by the way, takes on these things because they are listening to us as members, I find that there’s really great capacity support. That’s possible if you get to understand the bodies of work that NCRC is investing in, and how it can help us with the local level with things that we’re either trying to launch or things that we’re trying to learn.

Rountree 49:14
Thanks, Steve. That’s excellent. And as we’re closing out today, I just want to echo some of what Steve’s already said that while NCRC can provide a number of resources to equip your work and to create a just economy joining NCRC is also an invitation to join over 700 other organizations and a bigger movement, bridging America’s historic racial and socio economic wealth, income and opportunity divides. It’s going to take all of us standing together. And we’re grateful for our members who are here today with us. And we invite the rest of you to join us today. Please feel free to follow up with us with questions. And please do fill out that survey that Diane is putting back in the chat. I appreciate all of you. Thanks

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