American Prospect: The Corporate Wishcasting Attack On Lina Khan

American Prospect, July 26, 2024, The Corporate Wishcasting Attack On Lina Khan

With all of that influence, Hoffman feels that gives him the right to dictate a potential future president’s regulatory policy. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said plainly that it’s “unacceptable” for a donor to use money to influence Harris’s personnel decisions.

I probably don’t have to recount Khan’s record for Prospect readers, so I’ll outsource the nickel summary to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who sent over this statement to the Prospect: “Chair Khan has done an excellent job as part of the Biden-Harris administration’s broader competition agenda and should of course continue her work lowering costs, protecting workers, and supporting entrepreneurs—it’s a big reason the economy is growing strong as we saw with today’s GDP data.”

This gets at an important point: A successful government actually depends on people who know how to work the levers of power to serve the public interest. You can’t get a whole lot done on what Joe Biden and Harris profess to be their agenda without people like Khan and her colleagues managing to govern.

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