Full Conference Agenda

Agenda as of 4-6-11*

*Subject to Change  
?Small Business & Job Creation
?Fair Housing, Fair Lending & Foreclosure Prevention
?Revitalizing Neighborhoods & Rebuilding Communities
?Policy & Regulatory Reform
?Fundraising, Communications & Capacity Building

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

9:00 AM – 12:00 AM | Special Housing Counseling Training (Pre-registration mandatory)

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM | New Member Welcome and Conference Orientation

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM | Welcome Luncheon and Networking

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM | WORKSHOPS

?Organizing for Community Empowerment: Strategies that Work

Money talks and you-know-what walks. And boy, has the money been talking lately: bank and insurance contributions to members of Congress are at an all-time high. But all politics are local, and in the end, it’s simply the votes that matter. In this session, hear from some of America’s best organizers who are working to ensure that the interests of low-wealth populations are not ignored. These community leaders will share their strategies, ideas, and experiences about how they have effectively moved institutions and decision makers to respond to the needs of low- and middle-income neighborhoods.
MODERATOR: Moises Loza, Executive Director, Housing Assistance Council. Washington, DC.
John Dodds, Director, Philadelphia Unemployment Project. Philadelphia, PA
Steve Meacham, Tenant Organizing Director, City Life/Vita Urbana. Jamaica Plain, MA
Mark Seifert, Executive Director, Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People (ESOP), Cleveland, OH

?Job Creation through Private Sector Initiatives & Public Sector Financing – Extended Workshop

Despite the stagnant economy, opportunities for job creation do exist. Discover how to build innovative public and private sector initiatives and partnerships to create jobs in your neighborhood. We’ll examine best practices for ensuring work opportunities for residents utilizing targeted hiring and small business contracting provisions. In addition, federal, state and local procurement incentives, such as HUD Section 3 and small contractor set-asides, will be discussed, as will practical suggestions for local and municipal contracting mechanisms. Hear about alternative business models, such as worker-owned cooperatives and non-profit-owned businesses in Cleveland, OH and Detroit, MI.
MODERATOR: Ed Gorman, Chief Membership and Workforce Officer, NCRC
Steve Dubb, Research Director, Democracy Collaborative. College Park, MD
Ross Sanders, CEO, Bizdom U. Detroit, MI
Jackie Robinson, Chairman, Dribble Dunk, LLC. Glenbrook Way, NV

?Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing – Extended Workshop (1:30 PM – 3:45 PM)

Are you concerned with equality in your community? In this workshop, community development practitioners and housing professionals will learn what they need to do to make sure their community analyzes housing barriers and needs. The Obama Administration has elevated the role of fair housing planning by enforcing the requirements to “affirmatively further fair housing” as a responsibility of cities and towns across the United States, specifically in all entitlement jurisdictions participating in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s community development and housing programs, such as the Neighborhood Stabilization Program or Community Development Block grants. Find out what this means, and how it may present opportunities in your community.
MODERATOR: Maryellen Lewis, Michigan CRA Coalition. Lansing, MI
Michael Allen, Partner, Relman, Dane & Colfax. Washington, DC
Jeffrey May, Assistant Director National Neighbors, NCRC. Washington, DC.
Stella Adams, Director, National Fair Housing Training Academy. Washington, DC

2:45 PM – 3:45 PM | WORKSHOPS

?CRA Expansion: Statutory & Regulatory Reforms to Increase Access to Credit and Capital for All Americans

Concerned about access to capital and credit in your community? The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 seeks to ensure that consumers are not victimized by abusive lending, but it does not require access to responsible lending and other financial products. CRA is the missing piece of financial modernization that promotes access to lending. This workshop discusses the rationale and mechanics of bills introduced in Congress that update the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), apply CRA to broad segments of the financial industry, and strengthen the application of CRA to banks. In addition to legislative changes, the federal bank agencies are considering the most significant updates to CRA regulations since the mid 1990s. Participate in a conversation about how these regulatory updates would complement any legislation passed by Congress.
MODERATOR: Hubert Van Tol, Director of Economic Justice, Pathstone. Rochester, NY
Tom Feltner, Vice President, Woodstock Institute. Chicago, IL
Dominique McCoy, House Financial Services Committee, U.S. House of Representatives. Washington, DC
Theresa Stark, Senior Project Manager, Federal Reserve Board. Washington, DC

?Integrating Faith-based and Community Organizing: Campaigns That Work

Good organizing meets people where they are, connecting through trusted sources. As such, faith-based organizing can be a powerful grassroots approach to social change. This workshop will examine successful local and national campaigns organized by faith-based communities. Understand faith institutions’ structures and practices of engagement and hear about faith organizing principals and best approaches for engaging faith-based leaders. Learn how to craft successful partnerships between faith-based and community organizations, and avoid common pitfalls.
MODERATOR: Dean Lovelace, Director, Dayton Civil Scholars Program, Dayton, OH.
David Snyder, Community Organizer, Jewish Community Action. Minneapolis, MN
Timothy Lilienthal, Bank Accountability Campaign Coordinator, PICO National Network. Washington, DC


?Positioning your Organization for Growth, Entrepreneurial Strategies to Secure your Organization’s Future

You’ve been to a dozen fundraising workshops, focused on the nuts and bolts of proposal writing and grant applications. But what you’re really looking for is a strategic approach to getting attention for your organization’s mission and initiatives, allowing you to build a financial base of support you can count on. Learn how to better advocate for your non-profit, making the case for the work while diversifying and expanding your funding portfolio, and achieving long-term independence for your organization. Join us for this entrepreneurial conversation.
MODERATOR: Marva Smith Battle-Bey, Executive Director, Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corp. Los Angeles, CA
Robert Egger, Founder and President, DC Central Kitchen. Washington, DC


5:30 PM – 6:45 PM | Annual Membership Meeting & Legislative and Regulatory Briefing (members only)

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM | Chairman’s Reception

Thursday, April 14, 2011

7:30 AM – 9:30 AM | Coffee Breakfast & Keynote Speech
Featured Speaker: Sheila Bair, FDIC Chairman


9:00 AM – 12:00 AM | Special Housing Counseling Training (Pre-registration mandatory)

9:00 AM -11:30 AM Congressional Visits

11:30 AM – 1:15 PM | Congressional Luncheon
Featured Speaker: Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)
Location: Hart Senate Office Building, Rm. 902



New Alliances: Breaking Down Barriers to Create Opportunity for Underserved Communities

Continued high levels of unemployment, and recent developments for workers in states like Wisconsin, underscore the critical need to create new alliances among labor, government and community organizations. Organized labor is reaching out to community organizations as never before, understanding the role both groups play in rebuilding homes, lives and communities. Come hear opportunities to create good jobs paying living wages and benefits while revitalizing low- and moderate-income communities.
Mark Ayers, President, Building Trades Department, AFL-CIO. Washington, DC
Robert Peck, Commissioner Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration. Washington, DC



?National Challenges, Local Solutions: New Hope for Distressed Communities 

Out of the severe distress of many communities in this economy, seeds of revitalization and hope are growing. Local economies are beginning to develop their own answers rather than wait for federal solutions. What are the new strategies and technologies tried and tested by leaders in community revitalization? Hear from people on the front lines working successfully to impact their neighborhoods. Their home-grown solutions provide replicable examples of innovative, collaborative approaches to rebuilding communities. Take away the best of examples from the hardest-hit communities of neighborhood stabilization, comprehensive investment and private sector initiatives that are being combined in unique ways to help low- and moderate-income communities rebuild and making headway in spite of the odds against them.
MODERATOR: James H. Carr, Chief Business Officer, NCRC. Washington, DC
Richard Alarcón, Los Angeles City Councilmember. Los Angeles, CA
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, Congressman and Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. Kansas City, MO
Ted Howard, Executive Director, Democracy Collaborative. College Park, MD


4:00 PM – 5:00 PM | WORKSHOPS

?Accessing Small Business Credit to Transform Neighborhoods

Transforming neighborhoods cannot be based solely on creating affordable housing – job creation fueled by small business is an integral piece of stabilizing and enriching a neighborhood. Unfortunately, many aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses do not have access to traditional venues for assistance and capital. Learn how to access and leverage public-private partnerships and institutions, including Community Development Financial Institutions, Minority Business Enterprise Centers, and Women’s Business Centers. These institutions have helped businesses create thousands of new jobs by providing access to hundreds of millions of dollars in capital for small businesses. This workshop will present best practices, and also preview new models for how these entities can work together to address challenges in a transitioning community.
MODERATOR: Bob Dickerson, Executive Director, Birmingham Business Resource Center. Birmingham, AL
Robert Annibale, Global Director, Citi Microfinance & Community Development. London, England.
Donna Gambrell, Director, CDFI Fund, U.S. Department of Treasury. Washington, DC
Ana Harvey, Assistant Administrator for Women’s Business Ownership, U.S. Small Business Administration. Washington, DC
David Hinson, National Director, Minority Business Development Agency, U.S. Department of Commerce. Washington, DC


?Models and Approaches for Modifying Distressed Loans

There are an alarming 7,018,000 mortgages in the United States that are 30 or more days delinquent or in the process of foreclosure. Are there changes to your current model, or to federal programs, for foreclosure prevention that will assist you in increasing successful outcomes on foreclosed loans? Learn advanced foreclosure prevention techniques, and join in a lively discussion of foreclosure prevention programs, including the Home Affordable Modification Program, the Home Affordable Refinance Program and other state and local models to maximize sustainable loan modifications.
MODERATOR: Bethany Sanchez, Director of Fair Lending, Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council. Milwaukee, WI
Vicki King Taitano, Directing Attorney, Foreclosure Legal Assistance Program, Maryland Legal Aid Bureau. Riverdale, MD
Phillip Robinson, Executive Director, Civil Justice, Inc. Baltimore, MD
Bobbi Ball, Executive Director, Partners in Community Building. Chicago, IL


?Demolish or Develop? The Challenges and Opportunities of Vacant Property

As the number of vacant homes in America nears 20 million, communities throughout the country are implementing innovative solutions to ensure that the potential destabilizing effects of these vacant and abandoned properties are not only mitigated, but can serve as an engine for economic and social mobility. However many of these solutions have their own set of challenges. Join us for a discussion on the issues surrounding how to address vacant property, including trespassing, squatting, chain of title, code enforcement, and ownership.
MODERATOR: Alan Fisher, Executive Director, California Reinvestment Coalition. San Francisco, CA.
Yves Mombeleur, Director of Servicer Relationships, National Community Stabilization Trust. Dallas, TX
Jody Landers, Executive Director, Greater Baltimore Board of Realtors. Baltimore, MD

?Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Update & Regulatory Reform Briefing

Community organizations, including NCRC and its members, fought hard for the successful passage of Financial Reform legislation, and with it, the creation of a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Attendees of this session will gain understanding of the breadth and power of the bureau to regulate financial products and services and the financial institutions that offering them. With proposals to repeal the CFPB, cut its funding, or otherwise render it ineffective, learn about coming battles over the authority of the CFPB and what you can do now to ensure that it remains a strong consumer protector.
MODERATOR: Matthew Lee, Executive Director, Inner City Press/Fair Finance Watch. Bronx, NY
Richard Cordray, Assistant Director for Enforcement, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Washington, DC
Lisa Donner, Executive Director, Americans for Financial Reform. Washington, DC

?Government Grantmakeing Overview: General Requirements and Logic Models

If you’ll be applying for a federal government grant this year, you’ll need to know how to distinguish your organization from a competitive field. Hear from government experts about what you need to do to prepare yourself. This training will cover the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) requirements, but will contain lessons relevant to other agencies. Learn about requirements that will cover all HUD Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) in Fiscal Year 2011, HUD’s policy priorities, and tips on using logic models to plan your work. Never done a logic mode? Applying to HUD for funding for the first (or second or third) time? This session is for you.
MODERATOR: Pete Garcia, President, Victoria Foundation. Phoenix, AZ or Charlie Helms.
Barbara Dorf, Director, Office of Departmental Grants Management and Oversight, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Washington, DC


5:15 PM – 6:15 PM | Workshops

?Supporting Minority/Women Business Enterprises: Models & Innovative Approaches

Minority and women owned businesses are fast growing segments of the economy, with women starting businesses at twice the rate of men, making them a vital asset to the country. Support entities such as Women’s Business Centers and Minority Business Enterprise Centers educate, mentor, and foster women and minority business owners, resulting in thousands of new businesses and millions of dollars of wealth to traditionally underrepresented communities. This workshop will present the major obstacles faced by women and minority businesses, best practices currently being utilized to support and grow minority and women businesses, and new cutting edge approaches that are being piloted.
MODERATOR: Irvin Henderson, President, Irvin M. Henderson & Co., Henderson, NC
Kathy Korman Frey, Founder, The Hot Mommas Project. Washington, DC
Donna Gaines, President, Alliance of Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs. Chicago, IL
Carlos Guzman, Senior Business Development Specialist, Minority Business Development Agency, U.S. Department of Commerce. Washington, DC

?Identifying & Challenging Systemic Mortgage Servicing Issues for Your Clients

A recent survey by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition revealed that loan servicers foreclose upon delinquent African-American borrowers more quickly than delinquent White or Hispanic borrowers. What accounts for this troubling disparity? How can you use it to ensure an equitable solution is found for homeowners you’re working with? In this workshop, discover what resources are available to housing professionals, and how to analyze loans file for latent violations that can be used to prevent foreclosure. Explore with the panel how you can be part of a systemic solution to these issues.
MODERATOR: Nadine Cohen, Attorney, Greater Boston Legal Services. Boston, MA
Steven H. Rosenbaum, Chief of Housing and Civil Enforcement Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC
William Spielberger, Attorney, William F. Spielberger and Associates. Chicago, IL

?Negotiating Tips and Tools for Bank Owned and Foreclosed Properties

As millions of foreclosures pile up, an important housing stock is going underutilized. Each one of the largest federally-chartered banks advertise programs that permits non-profit organizations to gain access to REO (bank-owned or foreclosed) properties for purposes of stabilizing communities and market prices, while preserving housing stock. Recently, Bank of America and Rebuilding Together announced one such program utilizing HUD 203(k) loans. Speakers will describe the state of these programs, how and whether they are working and describe innovative agreements that you can use to work with your local bank branches to gain access to these properties.
MODERATOR: Gail Burks, President & CEO, Nevada Fair Housing Center. Las Vegas, NV
Matthew Aliberti, Senior Negotiator for the SUN Initiative, Boston Community Capital. Boston, MA
P.J. McCarthy, Director of Public Entity REO Sales, Fannie Mae. Washington, DC

?Celebrate Fair Housing Month: Expanding the Fair Housing Act to Promote Open Housing Opportunity

Come celebrate fair housing month with a rousing discussion of emerging legal issues in the field. As local and state jurisdictions have amended their statutes to provide protection beyond the seven federally protected classes, federal agencies and Congress have begun to consider expanding the Fair Housing Act. Come participate in this dialogue, and hear from national experts and advocates about what additional populations and provisions are being discussed for inclusion to strengthen this pivotal federal civil rights law.
MODERATOR: Jean Ishmon, President, Northwest Indiana Reinvestment Alliance. Hammond, IN
Emily Hecht McGowan, Director of Public Policy, Family Equality Council. Boston, MA
Susan Jacoby, Author, Never Say Die: The Myth and Marketing of the Old New Age. New York, NY
Donald Kahl, Executive Director, Equal Rights Center. Washington, DC


6:15 PM – 7:30 PM | Exhibitors’ & Networking Reception

7:30 PM – 8:30 PM | Film Screening – Nominee for Community Empowerment Film Award

Friday, April 15, 2011

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM | Breakfast & SPECIAL SESSION
Building Power To Address New Economic Realities
Featured speaker: Michael Gecan, Community Organizer and Author, Going Public: An Organizer’s Guide to Citizen Action


8:30 AM – 10:30 AM | Special Housing Counseling Training (Pre-registration mandatory)

9:15 AM – 10:15 AM | WORKSHOPS

?How Community and Labor Organizations Can Empower Local Hiring

Increasingly, organizations that have worked in isolation from one another are recognizing the need and value in working together. As we work towards rebuilding our neighborhoods and communities, labor unions and community groups are beginning to understand one another’s value and are forming unique partnerships to create community hiring standards and train and employ local workers. This workshop will present local models that are changing the political dynamic and encouraging sustainable and equitable development policies which provide career opportunities for local residents. This workshop will also discuss the opportunity to create jobs in underserved areas and to join with powerful players who want to work with you.
MODERATOR: Jim Hunt, Executive Director, Sunnyside-Up Campus Neighborhoods Revitalization Corp. Morgantown, WV
Jason Perkins-Cohen, Executive Director, Jobs Opportunity Task Force. Baltimore, MD
Jackie Cornejo, Research & Policy Analyst, LANNE. Los Angeles, CA


?Aging In Place – A Financial Security Protection Guide for Older Americans

Sharp reductions in the value of older Americans’ primary asset – their home – mean that many are now especially vulnerable to financial insecurity and predatory practices. Attendees will gain knowledge about the newest forms of predatory lending and fraud targeted against older Americans. These practices often threaten the loss of homeownership, or force an unwanted move, disrupting the ability of this community to age and retire “in place.” Hear about reverse mortgages and other challenges facing older Americans, as well as national and local efforts to protect this at risk population.
MODERATOR: Charles Harris, Executive Director, Housing Education & Economic Development, Jackson, MS
Sarah Saadian, Legislative and Policy Analyst, NCRC. Washington, DC
Barb Stucki, Vice President of Home Equity Initiatives, National Council on Aging. Washington, DC
Brenda Grauer, Housing Policy Advisor, Office of Illinois Attorney General. Chicago, IL

?Using Data & CRA Exams to Bolster Lending

This workshop will explore how the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) can be used to revitalize neighborhoods through affordable housing, small business creation, and homeownership. Using data, community groups can comment on CRA exams and merger applications, which can result in increases in bank financing in neighborhoods. Learn how to use data, read CRA exams, and engage in dialogue with banks that result in the introduction of new wealth-building products. Hear about ways to use data for advocacy campaigns relating to community reinvestment and fair lending.
MODERATOR: Josh Silver, Vice President of Research and Policy, NCRC. Washington, DC
Elisabeth Risch, Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council. St. Louis, MO
Kevin Stein, Associate Director, California Reinvestment Coalition. San Francisco, CA

?Appraisal Reform Post Dodd-Frank

Appraisal reform and issues associated with inaccurate property valuation continue to vex efforts by both the public and private sector to restore vibrancy to our nations’ real estate markets. This colloquy will examine the opportunities for appraisal reform in the post Dodd-Frank framework. Experts will discuss and explore current issues, including whether appraisal management companies should be subject to additional supervision, the role of Broker Price Opinions, the risks associated with Automated Valuation Models, and how challenges within the appraisal and mortgage community are impacting on community organizations’ efforts to sustain homeownership and promote neighborhood stabilization.
MODERATOR: Gene Ortega, President, Rural Housing, Inc. Albuquerque, NM
David Berenbaum, Chief Program Officer, NCRC. Washington, DC
William Garber, Director, Government & External Relations, Appraisal Institute. Washington, DC
James Girardot, President, Appraisal One, Inc., Bellevue, WA
Donald E. Kelly, Executive Director, The Real Estate Valuation Advocacy Association. Washington, DC

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | PLENARY SESSION
Interactive Session

?The State of Mortgage Finance in America

Each year, NCRC picks a hot topic of discussion and invites in leading thinkers from across the country to debate it. Moderated by NCRC’s President and CEO John Taylor, this plenary is one of the most engaging sessions of the conference.

President Obama has proposed three options for a new mortgage finance system going forward.  Congress and the Media are already debating these and other mortgage finance options. What do community development specialists, affordable housing leaders, elected officials and low-income homebuyers need to know about these proposals?

Is the Dream of Homeownership becoming more distant for low and moderate income homeowners?  Is our system of mortgage finance going to be bifurcated, allowing middle- and upper-income homeowners to get the cheapest loans from the private sector, while low-income and people of color need to apply for higher cost mortgages only available from the government?  How will low- and moderate-income people and minorities build equity in the brave new world of homeownership? Is rental housing going to be their only option? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “Affordable Housing Goals” that required them to serve families in the low- and moderate-income brackets, but will such goals will be required from the private sector that will be taking up their market share? What’s an aspiring homeowner to do?
MODERATOR: John Taylor, President and CEO, NCRC
Bill Emerson, CEO, Quicken Loans. Detroit, MI
Mark Goldhaber, Senior Vice President, Genworth Financial, Raleigh, NC
Hubert Van Tol, Director of Economic Justice, PathStone. Rochester, NY
Irvin Henderson, President, Henderson & Co. Henderson, NC
Stella Adams, Executive Director, National Fair Housing Training Academy, Washington, DC



Featured speaker: Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney General of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Justice.


2:15 PM – 3:15 PM | WORKSHOPS

?Innovative Financing Models for Underserved Communities

The Great Recession has served as an impetus for many innovative financing models that have resulted in millions of dollars being invested in underserved communities throughout the U.S. These models are varied in form – private firms, non-profits, and public private partnerships – and address issues from how small businesses are able to access capital, to how a family who has been recently foreclosed can repurchase their home. This workshop will present emerging best practices from the firms that have created and fostered these pioneering models to address the lack of financing in these hardest hit communities.
MODERATOR: Rashmi Rangan, Executive Director, Delaware Community Action Council. Wilmington, DE
Matthew Ryder, Vice President of Programs, Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs
Grady Hedgespeth, Director of Financial Assistance, Small Business Administration. Washington, DC

?Fair Lending Colloquium – Legal Briefing and Update

While mortgage lending may have slowed, the legal issues associated with it have not. Come hear the latest updates in fair lending. Leading fair lending experts and attorneys will review the legal and policy developments in fair housing and fair lending of the past year. Topics include: fair lending cases brought or resolved, NCRC’s challenge of Federal Housing Administration lenders minimum credit scores, fair lending challenges of servicers, discrimination issues in loan modifications, and other systemic lending issues which have a disparate impact.
MODERATOR: Michael Mitchell, Director, National Neighbors, NCRC
Michael Mitchell, Director, National Neighbors, NCRC. Washington, DC
Joseph D. Rich, Director, Fair Housing & Fair Lending Project at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Washington, DC
Vicki Schultz, Senior Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, US Department of Justice. Washington, DC

?Making the Green Economy Work for Your Neighborhood

Community greening, from weatherization and energy retrofits, to green infrastructure and community gardens, provides multiple benefits, including green jobs, neighborhood stabilization and beautification, healthy environments and enhanced property values. This workshop will present best practices to achieve environmental justice through community engagement, community greening strategies, and linking residents to green jobs.
MODERATOR: Ted Wysocki, President & CEO, Local Employment & Economic Development Council. Chicago, IL
George Bialecki, Co-Founder, Learn Green, LLC. Warrenville, IL
Ted Wysocki, President & CEO, Local Employment & Economic Development Council. Chicago, IL

?Foundation Support Strategies for Organizing and Policy: Outputs, Outcomes, and Evaluation

Now more than ever, foundations are looking for tangible results from their investments. This workshop will explore emerging philanthropic thinking around proposal strategies for advocacy work. A recent report by the National Committee on Responsive Philanthropy examined how 13 nonprofits in Pennsylvania helped improved their communities and amplified the voices of underserved residents in the democratic process through policy engagement. These nonprofits leveraged foundation grants that generated a $122 return for every dollar invested. Hear from foundation staff, and the author of the report, about how advocacy-focused nonprofits can use an output-outcome approach to leverage funding and plan their work.
MODERATOR: Pete Garcia, President, Victoria Foundation. Phoenix, AZ
Aaron Dorfman, Executive Director, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy. Washington, DC
Helen Davis Picher, William Penn Foundation. Philadelphia, PA

?Building Power through Community Ownership: Using Community Land Trusts for Resident Empowerment and Neighborhood Revitalization

The current financial and mortgage crisis has made clear that without appropriate safeguards, expanding affordable housing choices and advancing neighborhood revitalization can be quickly and profoundly undermined. While the various models of shared equity homeownership — community land trusts, limited-equity cooperatives and inclusionary housing — are usually seen as only affordable housing mechanisms, in fact they can play a much more dynamic role in revitalizing distressed and historically underinvested communities. Join us for an interactive discussion exploring ways community land trusts can help build more resilient, equitable and sustainable local communities.
MODERATOR: Harold Simon, Executive Director, National Housing Institute. Montclair, NJ
Lisa Carter, Executive Director, Community Land Cooperative Of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, OH
Emily Thaden, Shared-equity Development Specialist, The Housing Fund. Nashville, TN


3:30 PM – 4:30 PM | WORKSHOPS

?Identifying & Overcoming New Forms of Redlining

Lending policies have swung 180° from the boom of the subprime crisis, to the point where some qualified borrowers are being unfairly cut off from credit. These restrictions undermine community revitalization and recovery of the mortgage market, and may constitute discrimination under federal lending laws. Come hear about emerging redlining and disparate impact issues in public and private sector lending that are reducing access to credit in low- and moderate-income communities, including inappropriate use of credit scores in conventional lending, Federal Housing Administration and Veterans Affairs loans. Experts will discuss the use of discretionary overlay fees and various declining market policies.
MODERATOR: Gail Burks, President & CEO, Nevada Fair Housing Center. Las Vegas, NV
Joel Armstrong, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Washington, DC
David Berenbaum, Chief Program Officer, NCRC. Washington, DC
Kimberly Boyd-Harris, Executive Director, Center for Community Justice and Advocacy. Detroit, MI
Andrea Mitchell, Partner, BuckleySander LLP. Washington DC

?Accessing Capital in Small Cities, Towns and Rural Areas

Fair and equal access to credit and capital in rural communities is a growing issue. Understand how the proposed federal budget for Fiscal Year 2012 affects important rural lending programs, and the outlook for the future. Attend this workshop to learn more about innovative programs and initiatives aimed at increasing access for small business development, homeownership, and responsible lending services in rural communities.
MODERATOR: Lee Beaulac, Senior Vice President, Pathstone. Rochester, NY
Mark Edelman, Professor of Economics, Iowa State University. Ames, IA
Ron Phillips, CEO, Coastal Enterprises, Inc. Wiscasset, ME

?Communicating About Your Issues: Public Relations for Community Organizations

Communication strategies are often left as an afterthought at many non-profits, defying a deeper understanding of the role of effective communication in raising funds, and policy and programmatic success. Learn strategies to bring attention to your organization and its cause by developing newsworthy messages. Join leading public relations and messaging experts, to discover the tools and techniques for developing winning press releases and pitches, and who to send them to in the media. Learn to develop effective messages that reasonate with influencers – the people who have the power to help you – and how to differentiate your organization from the competition.
MODERATOR: Shelly Sheehy, River Cities Development Services. Davenport, IA
Karen Hinton, Owner, Hinton Communications. Washington, DC
Alan Jenkins, Executive Director, Opportunity Agenda. New York, NY

?Advanced Community Reinvestment Practitioner’s Colloquium

Join this discussion with CRA practitioners about CRA regulatory reform, and expanding its impact in urban and rural communities around the country. This discussion will cover questions like: What geographical areas should be on CRA exams? What should a CRA exam look like and what component tests should be included for banks of different sizes? What specific quantitative and qualitative measures are best suited to measure banks’ performance in offering loans, investments, and services? How can states and localities design CRA ordinances that would increase the effectiveness of federal CRA exams?
MODERATOR: Dory Rand, President, Woodstock Institute. Chicago, IL
Josh Silver, Vice President of Research and Policy, NCRC. Washington, DC
Sarah Brennan, Policy Deputy, Office of Richard Alarcon, Los Angeles City Councilmember. Los Angeles, CA
Janet Gordon, Senior Policy Analyst, Federal Deposit Insurance Company. Washington, DC

4:45 PM – 5:45 PM | ICE CREAM SOCIAL
We invite you to come for ice cream and a discussion of the launch of NCRC’s newest tool for housing agencies: a web loan portal which allows you to offer responsible lending products to prospective homeowners.


6:00 PM – 8:00 PM | NCRC Awards Dinner

Join us for dinner as we present our National Achievement awards to individuals and organizations who are leaders in expanding fair access to financial services.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM | Breakfast

9:00 AM – 12:00 AM | Special Housing Counseling Training (Pre-registration mandatory)

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Workshop

?Social Media Immersion: Going Where the Fish Are: Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Digital Media Platforms

The coming of age of digital community platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, offers a wealth of media opportunities for organizations to engage their audiences. Discover online strategies and tools for listening to your networks, and converting new or peripheral connections to active supporters of your organization. Learn the strategies and tools that will help you integrate online communications into current programs for advocacy, fundraising or marketing impact. Easy to use and often inexpensive or free, how do these new tools fit best in a non-profit’s communications toolbox?

Building on last year’s media immersion, this year we focus first on strategies to use traditional and new public relations tools to build your organization’s impact and presence.

SPEAKER: Alan Rosenblatt, Associate Director for Online Advocacy, Center for American Progress. Washington, DC



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