Lou Tisler

Sheena joins NCRC with nearly fifteen years of experience working as a faith-based social and economic justice activist, organizer, researcher, negotiator and non-profit administrator within the labor movement, where her work spans five continents.
Sheena recently served a labor research fellow at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa where she conducted research on migrant sugar cane and banana farmers in Mpumalanga, South Africa, and participatory research with tea farmers in the Honde Valley, Zimbabwe. Her research contributed to two published works, the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center’s report titled “African Trade Unions and Africa’s Future: Strategic Choices in a Changing World” and “The Transformation of Work: Challenges and Strategies; Restriction and Solidarity in the New South Africa: COSATU’s Complex Response to Migration and Migrant Workers in the Post-Apartheid Era”
Sheena is very active within the cooperative movement and she has done study tours of cooperatives in Europe, India, Cuba, Mexico, South America, West Africa and throughout the United States, where she annually convenes cooperative experts to discuss reclaiming economic democracy through worker cooperatives and serves  as a speaker and incubator consultant. Sheena currently serves on the board of the (LRAN) Labor Research Action Network, a project of Jobs with Justice Education Fund, on the board of directors of a North Carolina based credit union, and is an emerging leader within the credit union arena.
She is committed to promoting economic justice through workforce development, wealth and asset building opportunities for those who are within under-served and disadvantaged communities, immigrants and ex-offenders while vigorously fighting predatory lending. She has a deep passion for accelerating workforce development through innovation within STEM fields to prepare low wage and low skilled workers for the age of the robot and digital revolution. When she is not working or serving her community, she is engaged in ministry work supporting her local ELCA Congregations, mentoring, engaging in anti-poverty and solidarity work within the interfaith community, hiking, cooking Louisiana Creole and Cajun inspired dishes, playing kickball, flag football, or hosting fundraisers for non-profits she’s passionate about.
Her favorite quote is “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” -Gandhi

Director, Housing Counseling Network
ltisler@ncrc.org  202-464-2715

Lou Tisler is the Director of NCRC’s Housing Counseling Network.  He is a nationally recognized leader in economic and community development having developed and implemented replicable programs for foreclosure prevention, home buyer education, affordable housing and reverse mortgage counseling. In Lou’s previous position as Executive Director of Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Cleveland, in 12 years, he substantially increased operational funding, programming, services and staffing, leading to expanded resources to the residents of Greater Cleveland and northeast Ohio. Lou played an integral role in developing, implementing and securing funding for a statewide collaborative of organizations in Ohio focusing on foreclosure intervention and homebuying education. Lou has garnered organizational visibility that has included The Economist, the Christian Science Monitor, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USAToday and other various media outlets allowing for exposure and awareness the needs of affordable housing across the country.

 Also, Lou held the position of Board President with the National NeighborWorks® Association, a national, DC- based, trade association that unites housing and community development practitioners to advocate for affordable housing and economic opportunities for individuals, families, communities and neighborhoods across the country. In this role, Lou led the organization to successfully secure $70 million for a pilot, national rehabilitation program.

Lou currently serves on the eHome America National Advisory Board, the Ocwen Financial Services National Community Advisory Committee, the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s Business Advisory Committee and serves on the boards of Home Matters and PLACE (Practitioners Leveraging Assets for Community Enhancement).

Lou previously served on the boards of the Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, Cleveland, Leadership Center, Center for Community Solutions, the Governor’s Taskforce on Foreclosure Prevention, Cleveland Neighborhood Development Coalition, the West Side Industrial Retention and Expansion Network and other boards across northeast Ohio.

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