Andrew Nachison

Chief Communications & Marketing Officer 202-524-4880

Andrew Nachison joined NCRC in 2017. He’s a media, tech, arts, civic and social venture founder, funder, advisor, executive and creative catalyst. He’s also a writer, journalist and futurist. After a decade of work as a journalist and pioneer in online news, he co-founded iFOCOS, the Institute for the Connected Society, and We Media, an innovation agency, to help people create, share and understand networked knowledge and culture. Earlier in his career he led research, executive education and futures programs for the American Press Institute; and reported and edited for The Associated Press, New York Times, Audubon and other magazines. His work, events and ideas have been covered by The New York Times, BBC, CNN, Fortune, PBS Newshour, PBS Mediashift, Publisher’s Weekly, Mediabistro, the Pew Internet & American Life Project and others. He has been a board member of the World Editor’s Forum and advised a variety of publishing, social and civic media and technology startups and the International Women’s Media Foundation. He’s also a photographer, musician, artist, husband and dad, has published two short fiction stories, written many others and swears there’s more to come. He studied philosophy at Dartmouth College. He shares links and other things at and is on Instagram @anachison.

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