NBC News, August 1, 2019: Why equal housing for women will continue to be a ‘tough road’
Housing discrimination happens everywhere, and could be affecting women you know, including yourself.
It’s the advertisement describing a rental as “perfect for a single woman.” Or, the Facebook ad that doesn’t pop up when a woman with children searches online for a rental. Or, it’s as blatant as the many cases of landlords demanding sexual favors.
The ever-evolving ways to discriminate, coupled with a weakening of protections, alarm fair housing professionals like Lisa Rice, president and CEO of the National Fair Housing Alliance, the only national organization dedicated solely to ending discrimination in housing. In her 12 years with NFHA, and 20 years with local fair housing groups, Rice has fought to uphold the Fair Housing Act, which makes it unlawful to discriminate in real estate transactions, including renting or buying a home, getting a mortgage, seeking housing assistance or engaging in other housing-related activities.