Next City: Housing in Brief: DC Survey Taps Strong Feelings on Affordable Housing

Next City, September 27, 2019: Housing in Brief: D.C. Survey Taps Strong Feelings on Affordable Housing

Washington, D.C., planning officials released results from a citywide summer survey on Sept. 21, and Greater Greater Washington reports that there was a resounding demand for more affordable housing to be added in wealthy neighborhoods. As Next City’s Oscar Perry Abello explained earlier this year, “history matters in equitable development planning,” and which neighborhoods are mostly rich and which are mostly poor has a lot to do with decades of racist policies and practices.

In every ward, more than half of the respondents to the city said the current distribution of affordable housing is “unfair.” The survey was a first for the Office of Planning and the Department of Housing and Community Development. As Greater Greater Washington notes, the city council will be voting Oct. 8 on changes to a master development plan.


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