NCRC Applauds HUD Withdrawing Appeal in Fair Housing Case

Today, the Department of Justice withdrew HUD’s appeal in Massachusetts Fair Housing Center v. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which challenged the agency’s 2020 Disparate Impact Rule. Because of the withdrawal, the District Court of Massachusetts’ entry of a preliminary injunction postponing nationally the effective date of the rule stays in place.

Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), made the following statement:

“We are pleased that HUD dropped its appeal. This is a good first step to definitively end the Trump Administration’s attempt to undermine fair housing enforcement. Now HUD and the Biden Administration can get to work driving discrimination out of housing. That should include fully rescinding HUD’s weakened disparate impact standard issued in 2020 and making it clear that HUD’s 2013 Disparate Impact Rule applies and will be followed.”

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