About the National Training Academy

National Training Academy

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s National Training Academy offers substantive state-of-the-art training and technical assistance both on-site and training piconline via webinars. The extensive curriculum ranges from courses on The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), fair lending laws, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), Truth in Lending Act (TILA), Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), Homeownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA), the newest in mortgage loans, challenges to unfair lending policies,  and effective coalition building. NCRC’s seeks to “train the trainers” and expand the availability and reach of information on current developments in community reinvestment.

For more information or a schedule of upcoming Training Academy events, please contact Andrea Porter-Lee.

The National Training Academy educates and empowers communities in the following ways:

  • Provides a comprehensive training program that meets the needs of organizations working to increase access to credit in communities
  • Helps to build community capacity to give underserved groups more opportunities and fair access to housing, credit, and financial services;
  • Increases the level of knowledge and skills of organizations seeking to expand their services; and
  • Assists in building collaborations between community organizations, government agencies, faith-based organizations and financial institutions.


Members attend all trainings free of charge, and non-members pay a nominal fee to participate.
The NCRC Training Academy provides a convenient, spacious and comfortable setting for a variety of functions including workshops, meetings, and seminars. In addition, the NCRC Training Academy conducts substantive trainings on a variety of topics at NCRC’s national annual conference and at regional and local conferences and events. Community leaders and experts from finance, academia, and government share their in-depth knowledge with NCRC members and other groups. Community-based organizations are encouraged to propose and participate in the planning of conferences and training events in their regions.

Training Academy Standards

  • Continuous Learning Skills / Adaptability: Recognizes the variety of adult learning and responds by continually updating and expanding Academy offerings. Analyzes both successes and failures for learning opportunities. This includes skills for coping with change, ambiguity and flexibility. Adapts quickly when facing new challenges and delivers trainings to respond to those challenges.
  • Goal Achievement: Attains clearly defined goals and is accountable for completing tasks necessary to achieve them.
  • Productivity Skills: Produces a high quality service that is accurate, complete and meets expectations for established standards and methods.
  • Customer Service / Focus: Provides quality and efficient services to internal and external constituents in order to carry out the mission of the organization. Success is measured by the degree of customer satisfaction.
  • Communication Skills: Communicates effectively in speech, in writing and electronically in ways that are clear, easy to understand and invite open dialogue.
  • External Relations: Communicates and cooperates to form productive relationships with NCRC members and Academy participants.
  • Ethics and Values: Demonstrates organizational integrity and makes decisions in line with NCRC ethics and values.
  • Culteral Competency: Delivers trainings that respect different perspectives, life experiences and cultural differences that exists within the organization and people and communities that NCRC serves. Supports equal and fair treatment and opportunity for all.

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