American Banker: TD unveils community benefits plan amid push to close First Horizon deal

American Banker, February 15, 2023, TD unveils community benefits plan amid push to close First Horizon deal

The agreement with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition could help the Canadian bank to secure regulatory approval for the First Horizon deal, which was announced a year ago. Last week, the two banks extended the deal’s targeted closing date by three months to May 27.

“The deal we just signed will ensure that communities of need see tangible increases in resources and economic opportunity in their neighborhoods—as every bank merger is legally required and morally bound to do,” Jesse Van Tol, president and CEO of the NCRC, said in a press release.

1 thought on “American Banker: TD unveils community benefits plan amid push to close First Horizon deal”

  1. Good, I’m a First Horizon customer and I’m really looking forward to the TDBank merger. Greater access to locations and digital tools will be vastly approved. Thanks!

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