Business Wire: Manna Backs Proposed $10 million Black Homeownership Fund in Mayor Bowser’s FY 2023 DC Budget

Business Wire, March 18, 2022, Manna Backs Proposed $10 million Black Homeownership Fund in Mayor Bowser’s FY 2023 DC Budget

In 2014, Manna received national acclaim from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC). NCRC awarded Manna the James Rouse Award for national achievement in a major US urban center. Over the past 40 years Manna has developed more than 1,900 affordable homes that have been sold to low and moderate-income, first-time homebuyers. In turn, these same households have built more than $162 million in equity, collectively, and have provided much-needed stability in traditionally underserved neighborhoods in DC.

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