NCRC Videos

Congressman Luis Gutierrez Remarks – July 30, 2010

Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) has issued this video call to action, calling on his colleagues to support our efforts to strengthen and expand the Community Reinvestment Act. We’re working with the Congressman and his colleagues to move legislation expanding and strengthening CRA in the coming months, and we thank him for his leadership on this

Congressman Luis Gutierrez Remarks – July 30, 2010 Read More »

NCRC COO Jim Carr Speaks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

In a recent speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Jim Carr, NCRC’s Chief Operating Officer, offered some thoughts on the future of the housing market. Jim prefaced his housing policy recommendations with a discussion of the current foreclosure crisis that he argues will impact housing and community development for years to come–particularly as

NCRC COO Jim Carr Speaks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Read More »

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