and Councils

A Just Economy requires community

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NCRC convenes four industry councils, composed of financial services and community development leaders, to exchange insights and information on various topics and trends related to community reinvestment, financial services, affordable homeownership, consumer protection and inclusive financial products.

The councils brainstorm and propose solutions and strategies to advance NCRC’s mission and vision of a nation that delivers opportunities for all Americans to build wealth and live well. By creating a space for diverse voices and ideas, the councils help NCRC champion economic justice and opportunity for all.

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Bankers Community Collaborative Council

The Banker’s Community Collaborative Council (BCCC)* has been working since 1994 to foster meaningful dialogue and collective action between the nation’s largest banks and an equal number of nonprofit community development groups from across the country. The council exchanges ideas, strategies and information on variety of issues related to community reinvestment and financial services

The BCCC’s Goals are to:

  • Collaborate on initiatives and ventures between nonprofit groups and financial institutions.
  • Exchange insights on the latest trends and challenges in community reinvestment.
  • Identify areas of agreement and potential solutions for addressing unfair lending practices, enhancing regulatory frameworks, and advancing fair lending and CRA-related goals.
  • Learn from innovative models and products in the field.
  • Update each other on new developments and opportunities from both bank and community perspectives.

*All BCCC members have assets of $100 billion or more, and have demonstrated the highest standards on fair lending; A proven track record on CRA examinations; CRA-side leadership that is committed to working for community development and to bring historically underserved groups into the financial mainstream.

Community Bankers Collaborative Council

NCRC’s Community Banker’s Collaborative Council (CBCC)* aims to increase positive dialogue and collective action between mid-size banks, nonprofit community development specialists and advocates. The CBCC council exchanges ideas, strategies and information on a variety of issues related to community reinvestment and financial services.

The CBCC’s Goals are to:

  • Develop ideas and projects on which nonprofit organizations and banks can work together.
  • Share views of developments in the field of community reinvestment and assess the prospects for common ground.
  • Improve regulations on measures related to CRA and measures that combat predatory lending and foster fair lending.
  • Explore emerging models and products.
  • Share information on new projects and opportunities from both bank representatives and community advocates.

*All CBCC members have assets of between $10 and $100 billion, and have demonstrated the highest standards on fair lending; A proven track record on CRA examinations; CRA-side leadership that is committed to working for community development and to bring historically underserved groups into the financial mainstream.

Innovation Council for Financial Inclusion

NCRC established the Innovation Council for Financial Inclusion (IC)* to create collective action between the financial technology community and nonprofit community leaders. Financial inclusion is centered around the premise that all people should have access to safe and affordable financial products, irrespective of whether they belong to traditionally underserved or underrepresented communities. This is particularly important given the growth of financial innovations and the ever-changing financial landscape.

The IC’s Goals are to:

  • Foster positive and open dialogue between nonbank fintech lenders and community leaders that will advance financial inclusion and opportunities for low-wealth households and people of color.
  • Exchange advice and recommendations on important initiatives that focus on expanding access to banking services and credit for underserved populations.
  • Determine points of consensus within the industry.
  • Highlight responsible practices and impactful models.
  • Build channels of communication between council participants.

*IC members include community leaders and senior staff of financial technology companies who most represent an opportunity to promote responsible and fair business practices, emonstrate a clear commitment to the community and engage at a large scale and with great impact.