DCWBC Women Entrepreneur Profile: Advanced Technology Solutions LLC

This is part of a series of profiles showcasing the talented entrepreneurs of NCRC’s DC Women’s Business Center. Advanced Technology Solutions LLC is a women-owned business started by Dionysianna Ala’ilima that provides IT consulting services.

What kind of product or service do you sell? 

We provide IT consulting and field engineering services. 

Are you a registered business owner and how long have you been in business?

Yes, I’m registered in DC and I’ve been in business since 2016.

What inspired you to start your business? 

Being a single parent who lost their 9-5 and needed to create stability while being able to be a mother and attend to the needs of my child and elderly mother for whom I care for.

How has DCWBC helped you through your journey?

The ladies in the business center helped walk me through each step in obtaining my business license, getting registered in the district and how to stay compliant with DC regulations.

What advice would you give other women who want to start their own business? 

The best advice I would give is to never give up and just go after it. If you can dream it, you can achieve it and never be afraid to ask for help. You would be amazed the hands that are ready to help pull you up and get you to where you need to be on your entrepreneurial journey.

Final words?

I am always looking for people locally who are interested in becoming 1099 in the IT field. I also am an employer who believes in second chances so even if you have a criminal record, that’s not the most flattering, I will work with you to get you back in the workforce.

Social media for Technology Solutions LLC:
