Devin Mack Hired As NCRC’s Director Of Fair And Equitable Opportunity

Meet Devin Mack, NCRC’s new Director of Fair and Equitable Opportunity. He leads a team that conducts enforcement and investigative efforts to address historical patterns of discrimination, including fair housing and fair lending law violations.

Devin is an experienced attorney advocate and financial services professional who is passionate about safeguarding the rights of consumers and committed to advancing economic opportunities in marginalized communities. Prior to joining NCRC, Devin served as a policy advisor on nonbanks (i.e. fintech and credit unions) at the US Treasury in the Office of Financial Institutions Policy, where he advised leadership on initiatives to increase financial inclusion in low- and moderate-income communities. Before the Treasury, Devin was a Senior Attorney Advisor with the Social Security Administration where he counseled Administrative Law and Appeals Judges and oversaw the adjudication of hundreds of cases. 

To help get to know Devin better, we asked him a few questions.

Welcome, Devin! What drew you to NCRC?  

I wanted to change the direction of my career for some time, but only wanted to take on a new role where I could not only build on my areas of expertise, but have more of a direct impact in the communities that could use those areas of expertise. After a lot of self-reflection, I ultimately wanted to love what I did professionally again. I came across the name NCRC while working on financial inclusion policy, but was not too familiar with the organization. However, being inquisitive and having that need for change, I began my deep dive into who and what the organization was. The more I learned the more impressed I became, but were they hiring? Turns out they were and that new direction I wanted and needed materialized.   

What are you most proud of in your career?  

I am proud that I continue to forge my own career path, where I do not compromise on my commitment to service to others.   

What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever been to? And why?

Montreal, Canada in the middle of January. During a winter visit where I found myself surrounded by more snow, ice, and wind than I could imagine, I just found the vibrancy of the city and the resiliency of the people in that type of weather conditions to be something you only see on a winter greeting card. The ‘joie de vivre’ was unmatched.    

What’s your favorite non-work activity? 

There really are so many, but living in Washington, DC, my top picks are: exploring the city, health/fitness and interesting conversations with diverse people.

What are you currently reading?  

I enjoy an economic or policy blog and one of my favorites that I check daily is Liberty Street Economics

More: Devin’s bio and LinkedIn.

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