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Nonprofit Awareness Month Recorded Webinar Series

Building Organizational Resilience – Part II: Assessing & Managing Risk in the New Normal

Many nonprofit leaders discovered that COVID-19 gave the phrase “managing risk” a much different meaning. More than ever before, leaders understand that managing risk is more involved than securing a liability insurance policy and creating a handbook. Understanding that risks vary for each nonprofit based on their location and activities; sustainable best practices to risk management differ and require teamwork from managers, staff and board members.  

What are some risks that nonprofits need to think about? Did COVID restructure your resources, services or the way the agency delivers services? What tools are available to help leaders identify, assess and prevent unnecessary risks to their organizations? In this webinar we will learn about types of risk that could negatively impact organizations, how to perform an assessment to determine risk, and how to address risk. We will also explore tools that will help organizational leadership assess risk and review current coverages that may need to be increased.