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2022 National Day of Racial Healing

Join The W.K. Kellogg Foundation for the live premiere of the National Day of Racial Healing on Jan. 18 at 3 p.m. EST Creating a brighter future for everyone starts with racial healing. We have an opportunity to transform the systems that disrupt so many lives. It’s about bringing communities together to create new ones […]

NPQ: Remaking the Economy: Advocacy and Community, the Delicate Balance

Join Nonprofit Quarterly in its upcoming event: Remaking the Economy: Advocacy and Community, the Delicate Balance. Building viable economic alternatives requires both project-based community economic development work and advocacy to access public resources and make changes to laws and regulations that get in the way. In this Remaking the Economy webinar, panelists will discuss how their organizations […]

HMDA Data Analysis

During the pandemic, relief efforts led to historically low interest rates. NCRC just published a new report on mortgage lending data from 2020, and who reaped the benefits of historically low rates.  Join us on Wednesday, January 26 at 1 pm ET to hear from the authors of the report, and dig into where mortgage capital flowed as the pandemic […]

NAAHL/CCL Webinar Series: Bank Lending Outside CRA Assessment Areas

As federal agencies draft new rules for the Community Reinvestment Act, a key issue is how to evaluate banks’ home mortgage and small business lending outside the local “assessment areas” where they have branches. Join NAAHL, CCL and NCRC's Senior Policy Advisor Josh Silver for this timely webinar to understand the data profile of this […]

Racial Wealth Divide Training

NCRC's Chief of Race, Wealth and Community Dedrick Asante-Muhammad and Director of Racial Economic Equity Joshua Devine will be leading a racial wealth divide training for the Detriot Coalition of NCRC and its members on Thursday, January 27 at 10 am ET. You can view the training here.

Legal Referrals and Limited Representation

This webinar will provide a brief overview of how counseling practitioners distinguish the line between the provision of housing counseling and the practice of law. Covered topics include instances where a housing counselor and the client may benefit from the assistance of an attorney (both pre and post judgment); and how to discuss the concept […]

Remaking the Economy: Organizing for Black Food Sovereignty

Please join NPQ on Thursday, February 10 at 2 pm ET for Remaking the Economy: Organizing for Black Food Sovereignty.  What if we owned it? In this Remaking the Economy webinar, leaders in the movement for Black food sovereignty will discuss how that movement is being built, rooted in the gifts and talents from within the Black community, […]

NCRC To Host A Conversation With OCC Acting Comptroller Hsu

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) will host an online conversation with Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu and NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Tol. They will talk about the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and the importance of banks meeting the needs of their communities, the racial wealth divide, adapting to digitalization and other topics.

Foreclosure Fundamentals Restructured: How the Impact of COVID-19 Changed the Landscape

Join NCRC's National Training Academy for a webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on housing counseling agencies. COVID-19 has caused housing counseling agencies to reimagine how they implement and deliver mortgage delinquency and foreclosure prevention services. What counselors once considered to be the basics of foreclosure has been reformed and replaced with new ways of […]

Fast-Track to Certification

NCRC's National Training Academy is offering a training designed for the seasoned housing counselor who needs a refresher before taking the exam. This course does not go fully in-depth into topics, but rather uses a fun interactive approach to reinforce knowledge of the six core topics covered in the HUD Housing Counseling Certification exam.   For […]

Navigating Foreclosure Part I: Establishing A Foreclosure Ready Agency

Join NCRC's National Training Academy on March 2 at 2 pm ET for part one of its series on navigating foreclosure: Establishing a Foreclosure Ready Agency. As agencies respond to the urgent needs of homeowners within their communities, they must do so while complying with HUD’s expectations. According to HUD’s guidelines, there are specific elements […]