joint membership discount

National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and Community Reinvestment Alliance of South Florida (CRASF) members are eligible for a joint membership discount. 

Become a member of both organizations and enhance your knowledge and power to create and support sustainable solutions and empower neighborhood and individual well being. 

Together, we can work toward
a #Just Economy for all

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition is a network of local and national nonprofits, government, educational institutions and individuals fighting together for a just economy. We work with community leaders, policymakers and financial institutions to champion fairness and end discrimination in lending, housing and business.

Building a Florida Just Economy, One Dollar & One Vote at a Time.

The Community Reinvestment Alliance of South Florida is a non-profit, community-based organization established in 2015 to assist and promote active participation from area housing and lending providers, community groups and social service agencies in providing financial and other services that would empower residents to build and strengthen the communities through home ownership, rehabilitation and credit building opportunities, particularly for low- and moderate-income and minority residents.

NCRC Membership Benefits

  • National and regional research and trend analysis on issues such as redlining, gentrification and displacement, housing affordability, minority entrepreneurship and more 
  • Advocacy Participate in meetings on Capitol Hill to discuss issues in your city/state
  • Training and technical assistance to help your organization build capacity and advocate for a more inclusive economy in your city 
  • Tools, talking points and working groups designed to organize and empower our members to be effective advocates for change
  • Network with fellow members in the Just Economy Forum, NCRC’s online member community
  • Opportunities to collaborate with NCRC and other community leaders to negotiate strong local commitments from financial institutions
  • Discounted CRASF Membership: Members of NCRC receive a 30% discount off CRASF membership

CRASF Membership Benefits

  • Knowledge is Power: Members receive information on Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) action, events, training, and technical assistance opportunities. Updates on federal policy changes, issues related to CFPB, HUD and others that directly affect how your organization accomplishes its mission
  • Have a Voice: Members participate in and support CRASF’s efforts for more effective CRA policies and fair and equitable access to banking resources
  • Train and Develop: Members receive free or discounted attendance to CRASF trainings
  • Networking: Members interact and share knowledge with peers throughout Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties with the opportunity to develop strategic partnerships and gain access to other state and federal organizations
  • Access to NCRC Information: Members have access to National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s extensive expertise and information on CRA and banking activity
  • Discounted NCRC Membership: Members of CRASF receive $75 off Organization NCRC Membership 

How to become a Member

If you are not yet a member of either organization, choose one organization to join at the full membership rate. Once your membership is confirmed, you will join the other using the discount. As a joint member, you can only receive discounted membership from one organization.

If you are already a member of NCRC, join CRASF online using the discount code CRASF30. You will receive a 30% off membership.

If you are already a member of CRASF, join NCRC online using the discount code CRASF75. You will receive a $75 off membership.

Frequently Asked Questions

Joint membership provides an opportunity for members of CRASF to join NCRC at a discounted rate, and for members of NCRC in the South Florida region to join CRASF at a discounted rate.

Members will maintain separate memberships with each organization and have access to the benefits, resources and networks both CRASF and NCRC provide.

If you are already a member of CRASF, join NCRC online using the discount code CRASF75. You will receive a $75 off membership.

If you are already a member of NCRC, join CRASF online using the discount code CRASF30. You will receive a 30% off membership.

If you are not yet a member of either organization, choose one organization to join at the full membership rate. Once your membership is confirmed, you will join the other using the discount. As a joint member, you can only receive discounted membership from one organization.

*Passed by Congress in 1977, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) states that “regulated financial institutions have continuing and affirmative obligations to help meet the credit needs of the local communities in which they are chartered.” The act then establishes a regulatory regime for monitoring the level of lending, investments and services in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods traditionally underserved by lending institutions. Examiners from federal agencies assess and “grade” a lending institution’s activities in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.

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