joint membership


Two Great Things that Go Great Together

National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group (PCRG) members are eligible for a joint membership discount. 

Become a member of both organizations and enhance your knowledge and power to create and support sustainable solutions for economic justice in your neighborhood and across the country.

Together, we can work toward
a #Just Economy for all

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition is a network of local and national nonprofits, government, educational institutions and individuals fighting together for a just economy. We work with community leaders, policymakers and financial institutions to champion fairness and end discrimination in lending, housing and business.

The Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group (PCRG) is a consortium of community leaders working for economic justice, equitable investment practices and sufficient financial resources to revitalize communities throughout Western Pennsylvania. PCRG utilizes strengths of engagement, advocacy and policy formulation to focus efforts on ensuring equitable access to land, capital and mobility choices to improve the health and wealth of communities.

NCRC Membership Benefits

  • National and regional research and trend analysis on issues such as redlining, gentrification and displacement, housing affordability, minority entrepreneurship and more.
  • Monthly Legislative-Regulatory calls to stay informed of and take action on key policy issues that impact our members’ work.
  • Participate in meetings on Capitol Hill to discuss issues in your city/state.
  • Training and technical assistance to help your organization build capacity and advocate for a more inclusive economy in your city.
  • Tools, talking points and working groups designed to organize and empower our members to be effective advocates for change.
  • Opportunities to collaborate with NCRC and other community leaders to negotiate strong local commitments from financial institutions.

Discounted PCRG Membership:
Members of NCRC receive a 30% discount off PCRG membership.

PCRG Membership Benefits

  • PCRG issues an Annual Mortgage Lending study and will work with your organization to understand lending patterns in your community and how you can use this data to leverage capital to implement your projects.
  • Detailed legislative analyses of key policy issues and education sessions to keep members informed.
  • PCRG leads coordinated actions by drafting comment letters to regulatory institutions, providing talking points for public testimonies, organizing letters of support of or opposition to proposed legislation and transporting members for legislative visits to Harrisburg and Washington DC.
  • PCRG works with member organizations on an as-needed basis for board development and technical assistance.
  • Our Reimagining Communities Initiative (RCI) trains residents to carry out quality of life surveys, provides mapping of property conditions to help you better understand your community, and connects residents with much-needed resources.
  • Participate in working groups to join other stakeholders in addressing issues such as: land use, banking, capital, small business development and transit.
  • PCRG hosts a member retreat to identify our membership’s needs and strategically coordinate partnerships between member organizations and financial partners to work together on joint projects.

Discounted NCRC Membership:
Members of PCRG receive $75 off NCRC Organization Membership

How to become a Member

If you are not yet a member of either organization, choose one organization to join at the full membership rate. Once your membership is confirmed, you will join the other using the discount. As a joint member, you can only receive discounted membership from one organization.

If you are already a member of NCRC, join PCRG by emailing Ruby Velasco at You will receive a 30% off membership.

If you are already a member of PCRG, join NCRC online using the discount code PCRG75. You will receive a $75 off membership.

Frequently Asked Questions

Joint membership provides an opportunity for members of PCRG to join NCRC at a discounted rate, and for members of NCRC in Western Pennsylvania to join PCRG at a discounted rate.

Members will maintain separate memberships with each organization and have access to the benefits, resources and networks both PCRG and NCRC provide

Membership in PCRG is open to all community development corporations (CDCs), community-based organizations (CBOs) and related non-profit partners in Western Pennsylvania

Non-profit organizations, state or local government departments and agencies, and educational institutions can join NCRC as organizational members.

If you are already a member of PCRG, join NCRC online using the discount code PCRG75. You will receive $75 off membership.

If you are already a member of NCRC, join PCRG by emailing Ruby Velasco at  You will receive 30% off membership.

If you are not yet a member of either organization, choose one organization to join at the full membership rate. Once your membership is confirmed, you will join the other using the discount. As a joint member, you can only receive discounted membership from one organization.

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