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Just Economy Session – Redlining and Neighborhood Health

Online Event Archive Recorded Tuesday, October 20, 2020

As you know, historic redlining continues to negatively impact low-income and minority communities today. How does that legacy of structural racism impact population health and COVID-19 vulnerability?


We dig into the major findings and examine how redlining plays out at the local level in Rochester and Baltimore. In addition, we demonstrate a web application that allows you to explore the relationship between redlining and public health across over 140 cities.


  • Jason Richardson, Director of Research & Evaluation, NCRC
  • Bruce Mitchell, Senior Analyst, Research & Evaluation, NCRC
  • Jad Edlebi, GIS Specialist, NCRC
  • Marceline White, Executive Director, Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition
  • Ruhi Maker, Senior Staff Attorney, Empire Justice Center

If you have any questions, please contact Maggie Mysliwiec, NCRC’s Membership Engagement Specialist, at

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