Mashable: How to find and support Black-owned businesses — and why it’s important

Mashable, February 18, 2023, How to find and support Black-owned businesses — and why it’s important

A 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances from the Federal Reserve showed that Black families have only 10 cents for every dollar held by typical white families, and one 2017 study concluded that (of the sample size that participated) 56 percent of Black Americans experienced discrimination at least once when applying to a job, and 57 percent experienced discrimination when it came to being paid equally or being considered for a promotion.

There’s also the ongoing issue of the gentrification of Black neighborhoods, which often includes pushing out Black residents, businesses, and culture. A 2019 study(Opens in a new tab) from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found that from 2000 to 2013, at least 135,000 Black and Hispanic residents were affected by gentrification negatively, including displacement, in big cities and small communities across the country.

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