NCRC applauds the confirmation of Don Graves as Deputy Secretary of the Department of Commerce

Today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Don Graves as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), made the following statement:

“I would like to congratulate Deputy Secretary Graves on his confirmation to this critical post. We need a leader like him to work with Secretary Raimondo on key economic development issues critical to an equitable recovery. I would also like to thank the coalition of community and economic development organizations that supported his nomination.

“In the coming months and years, the Department of Commerce will play a major role in leading the nation’s economic recovery. On the campaign trail, President Biden called for doubling the budget of the Economic Development Administration to promote economic development and connect underserved communities with much-needed federal aid. Commerce will also play an important role in informing the nation’s response to the climate crisis, as part of the National Climate Task Force.

“Commerce also oversees the U.S. Census Bureau, which will play an important role in maintaining and possibly extending or expanding the Small Business Pulse and Community Pulse surveys in the coming months and years. These surveys have shined an important light on the challenges that small businesses face in weathering the economic fallout of the pandemic. These surveys also helped highlight the urgent need for a bold response to the eviction and foreclosure crisis facing renters and homeowners.

“The country needs a champion for community economic development who understands the challenges local economies across the country are facing during the ongoing economic, public health and racial injustice crisis. Don Graves is that champion. He brings the experience, commitment, vision that we need for this moment.”

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