NCRC Broadens Movement for Economic Security on Behalf of Older Adults

Uniquely positioned to work with the banking industry, aging network and housing experts, National Neighbors Silver offers a platform to build policy and program solutions for economic security and wealth preservation in aging America.  A critical part of the campaign is the growing network of local partners. About the newest National Neighbors Silver partners:

  • The California Coalition for Rural Housing (CCRH) is thrilled to be a member of the latest cohort of organizations working to involve older adults in the policy and program decisions affecting their lives,” said CCRH Executive Director Rob Wiener. “Using a ‘housing-first’ approach, we will work to create a network of older residents who can be mobilized to promote the production and preservation of decent, low-cost homes. This is a very important initiative at a moment of great housing insecurity.” CCRH is one of the oldest statewide low-income housing coalitions in the U.S., focused on rural housing improvement and affordable housing provided by the non-profit and public sectors.
  • New York Statewide Senior Action Council, Inc. welcomes the opportunity to participate in NCRC’s nationwide effort to promote financial justice and economic security among seniors in New York State and particularly in Erie County. Toward this end, we will collaborate with long-standing organizations to directly communicate with elders and provide them with information on how to avoid financial predators,” said Maria Alvarez, Executive Director of New York Senior Action Council. The organization is an established grassroots senior advocacy network with membership from all parts of New York State. 
  • Pilsen Neighbors Community Council’s Metro Chicago leader Wynell Verrett Butler said “A partnership with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition will turn our hope into reality. We will continue to empower seniors that are growing old, staying in their homes. Our work is not only about staying at home but staying strong by living safer, healthier and wealthier lives.” Pilsen is an organization of community activists, local stakeholders and faith-based leaders that works in partnership with the South Suburban Action Conference to bring justice and equity to the Pilsen and Southwest areas of Chicago. 
  • RISE Foundation of Memphis, Tennessee services public housing or working families with Section 8 housing vouchers in the Memphis and Shelby County region. President & CEO Linda L. Williams stated, “One of our long standing concerns has been the financial insecurity faced by seniors in the Memphis region. RISE Foundation identified older adults as a key demographic group underserved with respect to financial education and at-risk to become a target of opportunity for scammers. Being a part of National Neighbors Silver provides a great leverage opportunity to connect our Bank On Memphis campaign to affordable financial products for seniors.” Read the RISE Foundation’s local media release.
  • Western Maine Community Action (WMCA) Executive Director Fenwick L. Fowler said, “We are truly honored to have been chosen as one of the recipients of National Neighbors Sliver. Receiving this grant means we are one step closer to finding solutions to help senior citizens in Franklin County remain at home as long as they choose to do so. Working with NCRC will strengthen our capacity and accelerate our ability to develop much needed services for our elder residents.” WMCA is a social service agency that has worked with the residents of western mountain region of Maine for over 45 years.

With the generous support of Atlantic Philanthropies, NCRC will ultimately designate up to fifteen community-based organizations as National Neighbors Silver partners. Through grant awards, our partners are engaging older adults in direct action to improve their financial circumstances and enhance their communities. Examples of direct action include door-to-door outreach with isolated older adults, financial literacy training at senior centers, town hall meetings designed to demand accountability from local slumlords, participation in advocacy rallies and events, and more.

From April 18-21, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition will host the National Neighbors Silver grantees in Washington, DC at its annual conference, this year titled “Not Just an Economy, A Just Economy.” The conference will include workshops that examine the unique challenges older Americans face in today’s economy. For more information, see

For more information on National Neighbors Silver, please contact Stacy Sanders, Director of National Neighbors Silver, at 202-393-8305 or

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About the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC):
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition is an association of more than 600 community-based organizations that promote access to basic banking services, including credit and savings, to create and sustain affordable housing, job development, and vibrant communities for America’s working families.
About the Atlantic Philanthropies:
The Atlantic Philanthropies are dedicated to bringing about lasting changes in the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people. Atlantic focuses on four critical social problems: Ageing, Children & Youth, Population Health, and Reconciliation & Human Rights. Programmes funded by Atlantic operate in Australia, Bermuda, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United States and Viet Nam. To learn more, please visit:
