Since 2010, NCRC has worked with the Annie E. Casey Foundation on a national dialogue on the disparate impact of foreclosures on communities of color. A diverse group of high capacity leaders has been involved in conversations that, to date, include 145 individuals representing 90 organizations. Representatives of 24 of the more than 90 organizations served on two subcommittees that drove the substantive discussions represented in this report.
This whitepaper constitutes an extensive body of research and solutions that serves as a foundation for further investigative work. It also clears the path for a next step towards successfully addressing and resolving the disparate impact of the ongoing foreclosure crisis on communities of color.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation is a private charitable organization dedicated to helping build better futures for disadvantaged children in the United States. It was established in 1948 by Jim Casey, one of the founders of UPS, and his siblings, who named the Foundation in honor of their mother. The primary mission of the Foundation is to foster public policies, human-service reforms, and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today’s vulnerable children and families. In pursuit of this goal, the Foundation makes grants that help states, cities, and neighborhoods fashion more innovative, cost-effective responses to these needs. For more information, visit the Foundation’s website at
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