NCRC statement on the confirmation of Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta

On Wednesday (April 21, 2021), the U.S. Senate confirmed Vanita Gupta as Associate Attorney General, the third-highest position inside the Justice Department, where she is expected to play a leading role in investigating police brutality and other civil rights matters.

Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, made the following statement:

“I would like to congratulate Associate Attorney General Gupta on her confirmation. She has long been a clear voice and strong advocate for civil and human rights. We need that strength and national leadership now more than ever, and we especially need it at the Justice Department. Many of our systems and institutions remain locked into racist and discriminatory patterns from the 20th Century. They all need attention to root out discrimination and create equal access to housing, financial services, education, healthcare, voting, entrepreneurship and more. If we’re going to truly build back better after the pandemic, that has to include transformational reforms in policing and criminal justice. That will demand sweeping changes in training, practices and police culture at the local level, but also investigations, enforcement and leadership from the White House and at the Justice Department. We need justice for all, and Vanita Gupta is tremendously qualified to pursue that vision.

“I also want to congratulate her work and success as CEO at the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights. The Leadership Conference is one of NCRC’s essential national partners on many shared policy campaigns. Those collaborations will undoubtedly continue as we continue to make a Just Economy a national priority and a local reality.”

More: See Vanita Gupta’s keynote address at the 2018 Just Economy Conference.

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