PATCH: New Map Shows Gentrification In Minneapolis

PATCH, April 24, 2019: New Map Shows Gentrification In Minneapolis

A new interactive map shows which Minneapolis neighborhoods have been gentrified and, consequently, which groups of people were ultimately forced out of their homes. The map was included as part of a major new study published last month by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit dedicated to creating opportunities for people to build wealth.

Gentrification is a process that leaves winners and losers. It follows a deluge of investment and changes to the existing environment, and leads to rising home values, family incomes and an area’s educational levels. That’s the upside of gentrification.

The downside: it often results in cultural displacement, which is a fancy way of saying minorities are forced out in droves and replaced, often by “affluent, white gentrifiers,” the researchers wrote.

In Minneapolis, you can see many neighborhoods experienced gentrification, the map shows. These areas initially had at least 500 residents as well as below-average income and home values. Post-gentrification, they ended up with above-average home values, higher college graduation rates and saw household incomes increase.

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