Newson6: Local Businesses Compete In Holiday Lights Contest while Combatting Escalating Retail Challenges

Newson6, December 16, 2019: Local Businesses Compete In Holiday Lights Contest While Combating Escalating Retail Challenges.

This year Lower Georgia Avenue has a little extra sparkle for the holiday season. Recognizing that DC’s small retailers and restaurants face declining sales as the temperature drops, the Lower Georgia Ave Main Street (LGAMS) managed by local nonprofit District Bridges worked with small business owners to bring attention to their stores with LGAMS Holiday Lights. Nearly 60 businesses created beautiful displays that reminded residents that these neighborhood shops are attractive alternatives to online commerce, food deliveries, and suburban malls.

Facing challenges from Internet commerce and changing consumer preferences, small businesses are especially vulnerable. They do not have the economies of scale to take advantage of bulk purchasing or large margins to absorb regional variation in fixed costs. Additionally, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s recent study ranked DC as America’s most gentrified city, and commercial property owners are shifting property tax burden increases to tenants.

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