Newsweek, September 20, 2019: By Striking For The Climate, We’re Striking Against Poverty And Racism Too
For over a year now, young people worldwide have been regularly walking out of school to demand bold action on climate change. As leaders of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival—a growing mobilization of people on the frontlines of our crisis of systemic poverty in the U.S.—we wholeheartedly support the call for an intergenerational climate strike in solidarity with this youth movement. We recognize the implications of the climate crisis and are clear that the evil of ecological devastation is directly connected to the evils of systemic racism, poverty and inequality, militarism and the war economy, and the distorted moral narrative that prevents us from adequately addressing these issues. These young people understand all too well that they’re inheriting a world plagued by these intersecting crises—and that the climate crisis, though it will impact us all, will hit the poor first and worst.