Executive Director
Time with CASA: 23 years
Other titles held at CASA: Project Developer, Accountant, Head Dishwasher
Completed CASA Projects: Nothing is complete when you are the ED.
Upcoming projects: My sabbatical
Hobbies: Biking, rafting, camping, child rearing,
Last job held (prior to CASA): Peace Corps Volunteer, Dominican Republic
What did you want to be when you grew up? Happy
Hidden/special talent: I like to sing
If you had a time machine, what year would you go back to and why? 1982 to relive my college days
Favorite bumper sticker: “Save a cow, eat a vegetarian”
If you could go on a road trip with anyone (dead or alive), who would you go with and where would you go? My wife and three kids in any direction with no destination.
Anything else you would like to share? Life is groovy