Vanity Fair: With tax cuts in the bag, the White House ramps up it’s war on the poor

Vanity Fair, January 11, 2018: With tax cuts in the bag, the White House ramps up it’s war on the poor

Even before Donald Trump signed the G.O.P.’s tax plan into law—before he left for Christmas rather than after, just to prove he could—all signs pointed to Republicans next moving to tear apart the social safety net.

The administration’s push has extended across industries; according to The Wall Street Journal, Team Trump is planning to unveil a “major revision” to the Community Reinvestment Act. The act, which was first enacted in 1977, encourages banks to lend to low- and middle-income neighborhoods. Community groups worry that overhauling it “could mean poorer people over time would have less access to loans and banking services.”


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