Opportunity to provide feedback to newly launched Congressional Caucus on Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health refer to the social, economic and physical conditions, where people live, work and play in an environment that affects health, such as housing, jobs, transportation and food access. 

This past July, a bipartisan Congressional Social Determinants of Health Caucus was formally launched by Reps. Cheri Bustos, G.K. Butterfield, Tom Cole and Markwayne Mullin. 

Addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) at the federal level includes multiple government agencies and committees. The purpose of this new caucus is to convene members of Congress from geographically disparate jurisdictions to enhance coordination around the social determinants of health with the ultimate goal of improving health outcomes while maximizing federal investments in critical upstream drivers of health. 

NCRC members have a unique opportunity to provide feedback on challenges and opportunities in your communities around social determinants of health. The caucus asks respondents to provide feedback to some or all 17 questions, ranging from insight around gaps in care, programs and services addressing SDOH to local best practices to legislative solutions. 

Members may find and complete the form from the caucus here. For a sneak peek, we have created this resource to help you consider the questions before responding. 

Questions? Contact Karen Kali at kkali@ncrc.org or 202.464.2716.

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