Video: NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Tol on Bloomberg TV’s Triple Take

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s (NCRC) President and CEO Jesse Van Tol appeared on Bloomberg TV’s Triple Take on April 14, 2022. Van Tol discussed NCRC’s recent report: The Great Consolidation of Banks and Acceleration of Branch Closures Across America. “The story here is bank consolidation and branch consolidation: 18,000 institutions down to 5,000. The […]

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Video: Fair Lending Tool

Online Event Archive Recorded April 5, 2022 Learn how you can use this powerful tool, available for free to all NCRC members, to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation.   NCRC’s Director of Research Jason Richardson will walk us

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Letter In Support Of Bipartisan Close the ILC Loophole Act

April 5, 2022 The Honorable Maxine Waters Chairwoman Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Patrick McHenry Ranking Member Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Re: Support for H.R. 5912, The Close the ILC Loophole Act Dear Chairwoman Waters and Ranking Member McHenry, The

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Video: CRA Basics

Online Event Archive Recorded March 24, 2022 Banks are critical community partners and can be a catalyst for change in your neighborhood, particularly when public resources shrink. Learn about the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and explore how CRA can be used to increase reinvestment in your communities. This is crucial information for anyone working towards

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NCRC Comment Letter On “Buy Now Pay Later” Consumer Finance Products

(Download) March 25th, 2022 Director Rohit Chopra Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1700 “G” St. NW Washington, DC 20552 Regarding Docket CFPB-2022-0002: Notice and Request for Comment Regarding the CFPB’s Inquiry into Buy-Now-Pay-Later Honorable Director Chopra: Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Bureau’s request for comments on buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) products. NCRC is a

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NCRC Letter Urging Senate To Vote On Delayed David Uejio Nomination

(Download) March 24, 2022 The Honorable Charles Schumer Majority Leader United States Senate 322 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Re: Confirmation of Dave Uejio as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development Dear Senator Schumer: On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we write to express our

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Video: Your Membership, Your Benefits: A Closer Look at NCRC Membership

Online Event Archive Recorded March 10, 2022 Have you ever wondered… What are my NCRC membership benefits? How can my team and I leverage these resources for our work? I want to hear from other members. Which membership benefit(s) have been the most impactful to them? Listen to this conversation about the resources, services, content

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Letter from US Senators Sherrod Brown, Cory A. Booker, Benjamin L. Cardin, Ron Wyden, Richard J. Durbin asking for a strong Section 1071 rule

(Download) The Honorable Rohit Chopra Director Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1700 G Street NW Washington, DC 20552 Re: Dodd-Frank Section 1071 Rulemaking Dear Director Chopra: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB or Bureau) proposed rule amending Regulation B to implement Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street

Letter from US Senators Sherrod Brown, Cory A. Booker, Benjamin L. Cardin, Ron Wyden, Richard J. Durbin asking for a strong Section 1071 rule Read More »

Video: Bank Branch Closures During the Pandemic

Online Event Archive Recorded Thursday, March 3, 2022 The pandemic wreaked havoc on local economies and lives, but for banks, it was an opportunity to speed up the disappearance of traditional brick-and-mortar branches and services in cities and towns across the nation. NCRC’s new report shows that more than 4,000 physical bank branch locations have

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Racial Wealth Snapshot: Women, Men, and Racial Wealth Divide

This is one in a series of racial wealth snapshots. See more here. Download Infographic View Infographic Introduction Women have made great strides in the workplace, comprising nearly half of the workforce and surpassing men in higher education achievement. Yet women still earn less income, have less wealth and face greater economic instability than their

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Position Paper on CRA Reform

(Download) The 123 undersigned organizations are pleased that the federal bank agencies will be proposing an interagency rule implementing the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) in the near future. CRA has been instrumental in leveraging bank financing for retail lending and community development in low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities since its passage in 1977. A critical

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NCRC Fact Sheet: Three Bills Would Significantly Weaken Section 1071 Small Business Loan Disclosures

The philosophy behind Section 1071 is similar to that of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data: the public release of data will identify which lenders are making good faith efforts to serve small businesses and which lenders lag their peers, encouraging the laggards through public accountability to increase their lending to traditionally underserved businesses. We expect a similar benefit from Section 1071 in narrowing the significant racial and gender disparities present in small business lending.

NCRC Fact Sheet: Three Bills Would Significantly Weaken Section 1071 Small Business Loan Disclosures Read More »

Tracing the Legacy of Redlining: A New Method for Tracking the Origins of Housing Segregation

Eighty years after the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) formally drew its redlining maps, those neighborhoods are still high minority population areas with the highest rates of vacancy in their metropolitan areas.

Tracing the Legacy of Redlining: A New Method for Tracking the Origins of Housing Segregation Read More »

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