
Analysis and points of view on research, trends, issues, ideas and opportunities.

Federal Regulators Should Refrain From Making a True Lender Rule

In the coming weeks, we expect the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to propose a rule for the “true lender” doctrine, an act that will have a negative impact on the ability of states to protect their residents from high-cost lending.

Federal Regulators Should Refrain From Making a True Lender Rule Read More »

COVID-19 and the CFPB Consumer Complaint Database

Local businesses are devastated and state agencies overwhelmed as people stay at home to preserve their health and apply for government assistance to maintain financial solvency. An unexpected side effect of this was a simultaneous increase in consumer complaints filed with the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB).

COVID-19 and the CFPB Consumer Complaint Database Read More »

Are All Americans Equal?

Most people are aware of the ongoing economic inequality suffered by the majority of Americans and disproportionately for African Americans. African Americans’ net wealth in the U.S. is 1/10 of that of their fellow White citizens. The COVID–19 virus, the current economic recession and national protests have made many of us think deeper about whether

Are All Americans Equal? Read More »

The OCC’s new emphasis on essential infrastructure will divert banks from low- and moderate-income neighborhoods

The poorly conceived addition of infrastructure as eligible community development will at best be under-utilized and at worst a giant sucking sound draining resources from LMI neighborhoods and even threatening some of them with physical destruction.

The OCC’s new emphasis on essential infrastructure will divert banks from low- and moderate-income neighborhoods Read More »

Study: Before COVID-19 and the protests, most of the nation was struggling, not booming

COVID-19 exposed deep economic and social fault lines nationwide. It also underscored what was already going on before it: While a small number of cities were booming, most were not. In a new report on gentrification and disinvestment, covering data from 2012 through 2017, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) found that gentrification of once

Study: Before COVID-19 and the protests, most of the nation was struggling, not booming Read More »

San Francisco most intensely gentrified city in new rankings

San Francisco was the most intensely gentrified city in America from 2013 to 2017, a new study found. It was followed by Denver, Boston, Miami and New Orleans. They had the largest share of their vulnerable neighborhoods that gentrified during that time period. The study, from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, is a follow-up to

San Francisco most intensely gentrified city in new rankings Read More »

We need the protests, and we need solutions

This is a painful moment for America, but especially and uniquely for African Americans who live with the threat of violence, injustice and police brutality every day, for communities where systemic racism undermines everything, and for a nation that has talked about these issues for too long and yet has been incapable of facing or correcting inequality that began with slavery. 

We need the protests, and we need solutions Read More »

The Tightening of the Credit Market and the Perpetuation of the Recession

The government’s emergency spending to help businesses stay afloat isn’t enough to save the economy. Businesses need credit to manage day-to-day operations and to grow – and business lending from banks has dried up during the pandemic. If it doesn’t resume quickly, we’ll likely face a long and deep recession.

The Tightening of the Credit Market and the Perpetuation of the Recession Read More »

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