As we celebrate Women’s History Month this March, NCRC would like to acknowledge all the amazing work and accomplishments women have achieved. At NCRC, we are proud to have many strong and hardworking women advocating for a Just Economy for all. Each of them plays a crucial role in creating a more inclusive society. And while we recognize them in March, let’s not forget that they and all women work hard throughout the year.
As Barbie said, “Basically, everything that men do in your world, women do in ours.” Women can do it all, from being a Supreme Court judge like Ruth Bader Ginsburg to astronauts like Katya Echazarreta. And here at NCRC, we have women who make it happen! Here’s what they have to share.

I am most proud of my current work with six of our NCRC member organizations, in partnership with Share Our Strength. This work is focused on the economic mobility of single mothers and exploring how community development practitioners can alleviate economic stressors faced by single mothers. In NCRC’s mission to make a just economy a national priority and local reality, it is critical to not only understand the challenges and opportunities in creating pathways for economic mobility for single mothers but to also be a contributor in the changes and investments that must happen. In this work, I have had the privilege of meeting some of the single mothers served by the community development practitioners in our membership network. These single mothers are community leaders, small business owners and new homeowners. Inspired is truly an understatement and why this work is so meaningful.
Estee Smith

I am proud of having begun my journey at NCRC five years ago as Special Assistant to the Chief of Race, Wealth, and Community, then as Project Manager of Membership, Policy, and Equity, and now the Director of the Executive Office. I am also proud of having written some important opinion pieces while at NCRC, including “Cash, Culture And Care: Navigating Dementia In An Indian American Family” and “To Achieve A Truly Just Economy, We Need To Prioritize The Needs Of Working Mothers.” It’s so important for women of color to feel they have a platform to share their voices, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to be uplifted and recognized at NCRC for doing so.
Monica Grover

I take pride in the fact that my job allows me to champion the beauty and power of women.
Haley Schneider

I am proud of contributing with small things that add up to fundamental pieces for the achievement of the organizational big purpose, and my work to advocate for the visibility and appreciation of the very relevant seamless behind the scene work.
Soraya Otero

My greatest accomplishment is raising a smart, compassionate, supportive beautiful daughter with a strong work ethic. She excited me everyday. I adore her.
Catherine “Katy” Crosby

I’m proud of how we use the Just Economy Conference and our other events to further NCRC’s mission and empower our members.
Chloe Sabharwal

What I am most proud of at work: The mentorship I have given and received.
Natasha Sim O’Keefe

What fills me with immense pride is my approach to treating people with kindness and providing unwavering support. There’s nothing more fulfilling than uplifting younger colleagues as they set out on their professional journeys, and watching them learn and grow.
Catherine Petrusz

I am proud of my team and all of the work we have done to promote fair housing across the country.
Sara Oros

I am proud of the work I’m doing. Specifically being able to help minority and LMI borrowers take their businesses to the next level. I am proud that we can see the impact of our work in the community and we can continue to create relationships with our borrowers.
Carolina Rodrigues

One of the things I’m most proud of is our communications and development intern program. Through this program, I’ve been able to mentor dozens of students and young professionals, helping to guide their future careers, all while making them stronger, more effective communicators. Many interns have gone on to start careers in economic and social justice, including two women who are currently employed by NCRC.
Alyssa Wiltse

I am proud of myself and those around me for consistently showing up every day and doing what needs to be done. Life is unpredictable and full of ups and downs, but it is a choice to wake up each morning and do your small part, even when the odds seem to be against you. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and tackling societal inequities is no small task. Therefore, I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work alongside coworkers at NCRC who understand present challenges, but who also have the courage, curiosity, and initiative to envision a better future for all. As some final words on my end, stress less, be true to yourself, and enjoy the little things in life.
Elisabeth Butler