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Reaching for the Future with Technology

Join NCRC's Chief Communications and Marketing Officer Andrew Nachison at the Horasis Global Meeting online on May 19, 2022, 2:45 - 3:30 pm ET. Sustainable investing suggests aiding the poor, nurturing water supplies, raising food availability and better educating everyone. Businesses might have different priorities, by leveraging technology. How might the full spectrum of technology […]

Conference on Consumer Finance Law in Chicago

Loyola University Chicago School of Law 25 E Pearson St, Chicago, IL, United States

NCRC's General Counsel Brad Blower will speak on May 19 at the 2022 Frederick Fisher Memorial Program, sponsored by both the Conference on Consumer Finance Law as well as the American Bar Association. Register here About the Event: Fisher Program: Getting a Clearer Picture or Merely a Caricature? The Use of Alternative Data and Artificial […]

Good to Great: A Strategic Plan for High Performing Organizations

Join NCRC's National Training Academy on May 23-25, 2022, 10 am- 2:30 pm ET for a virtual training on how to create an actionable plan forward that will lead your organization from Good to Great.  Determining the strategic direction of an organization is crucial when creating the strategic roadmap that leads to fulfilling the overall […]

Advocacy Week Prep Meeting

Join NCRC’s policy team to prepare for the 2022 Advocacy Week. They will share best practices and tips to navigate your upcoming meetings with your representatives and/or senators. This session will help strengthen your advocacy skills to fight for a #JustEconomy. Speakers:Megan Haberle, Senior Director of Policy, NCRCJoseph Reed, Senior Policy Advocate, NCRCJosh Silver, Senior […]


UNC Greensboro’s Racial Equity in Homeownership Symposium

The Center for Housing and Community Studies at UNC Greensboro convenes a monthly virtual mini-symposium called “Housing Hangouts.” Each first Friday they survey a topic of interest to the local community of housing and community development stakeholders and interested members of the public. Join NCRC's Senior Research Analyst, Bruce Mitchell PhD, for Part I of […]

Fast Track to Certification

Preparing for the HUD Housing Counseling Exam can be daunting when tackling it on your own. Research shows that working together in a collaborative environment allows individuals to learn the material better than when working alone. Join other housing counselors in this virtual experience where peer discussion, exploration of the six core topics on the […]

Nonprofit Quarterly’s “Remaking the Economy” Webinar – Wage Justice, Now!

Please join NPQ on Thursday, June 9 at 2 pm ET for Remaking the Economy: Wage Justice, Now!  Millions of people in the United States work in jobs that pay them less than the minimum wage. Subminimum wage workers provide many of the services which make our economy run— farming food, delivering goods, and caring for children […]

2022 Just Economy Conference

Washington Hilton 1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Save the date and stay tuned for registration and session proposals!

The Cost of Conflict: The Two Factors That Influence It

Join NCRC’s National Training Academy on June 16, 2022, 2 - 3:30 pm ET for a virtual training on The Cost of Conflict: The Two Factors That Influence It. Conflict is inevitable in the workplace. Often, miscommunication is the spark that agitates trivial or personal issues carried into the workplace and impacts productivity, relationships, and […]

Trauma Informed Care for Direct Services

Join NCRC’s National Training Academy on June 21-22, 2022, 10 am- 3:30 pm ET for a virtual training on Trauma Informed Care for Direct Services. 70% of adults have been impacted by trauma.  It’s important to note that “adults” includes the clients whom you serve, as well as the team members within your organization.  In […]

BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Part I

Join NCRC's National Training Academy for a Live Webinar: BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Part I on July 6, 2 - 3:30 pm ET. July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This time serves as an opportunity to spotlight mental health issues specific to marginalized communities in the United States. A key factor impacting mental […]

BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Part II

Join NCRC's National Training Academy for a Live Webinar: BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Part II on July 13, 2 - 3:30 pm ET. Recently a renewed focus has been given to the importance of becoming trauma-informed. Specifically, organizations and direct care staff are becoming aware that the impact of trauma is far-reaching and can impact […]