Bank branch closures

Banks Closed Branch Locations At An Alarming Rate As US Economy Reopened

The reopening of the US economy did not discourage banks from closing physical branch locations at an aggressive pace, new research from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) has found. “The banking industry is withdrawing from the most vulnerable communities in the country at an astounding clip despite the resumption of normal economic activity in […]

Banks Closed Branch Locations At An Alarming Rate As US Economy Reopened Read More »

The Great Consolidation of Banks and Acceleration of Branch Closures Across America

In the ten years from March 2010 through March 2020, there was a net loss of 11,820 branches in the US, an average of 98.5 per month. Since the pandemic reached our shores in March 2020, 4,025 branches have closed — an average of 201 branch closures per month. This was beyond our prediction and calls into question the future of bank branches as the principal conduit for access to financial services.

The Great Consolidation of Banks and Acceleration of Branch Closures Across America Read More »