
Independent Foreclosure Review

Background The Federal Reserve Board issued enforcement actions against four large mortgage servicers –GMAC Mortgage, HSBC Finance Corporation, SunTrust Mortgage, and EMC Mortgage Corporation–in April 2011. Under those actions, the four servicers were required to retain independent consultants to review foreclosures that were initiated, pending, or completed during 2009 or 2010. The review is intended to determine […]

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Federal Reserve Approves Capital One Acquisition Deal

Federal Reserve Approves Capital One Acquisition of ING Direct USA Washington, DC — The Federal Reserve today approved Capital One’s bid to purchase ING Direct with no meaningful conditions. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and hundreds of organizations nationwide opposed the acquisition because it will make Capital One more systemically risky, while not creating

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Robosigning Settlement Step Towards Full Recognition of Extraordinary Harm to Homeowners & Economy

Washington, DC — Today federal officials and state Attorneys General reached an agreement with five major lenders to settle claims stemming from “robosigning” and other servicing abuses. John Taylor, president & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) made this statement: “The settlement recognizes that all homeowners have been damaged by widespread abuses in

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Congress Must Act on President Obama’s Housing Proposals

Washington, DC — The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today made this statement regarding measures the Obama administration is proposing to help the ailing housing market: “If there is a problem with the President’s plan, it’s that Congress must approve it. The President has put forward some very sensible proposals to ensure that the housing market

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State of the Union: As Homeowners Go, So Goes the Economy

Washington, DC — The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), the nation’s preeminent advocacy group for fair lending and housing, commends President Obama’s call to resuscitate the housing market expected in his annual State of the Union speech. John Taylor, NCRC President and CEO, said: “The weakness of the market since the 2008 crash continues to

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NCRC Broadens Movement for Economic Security on Behalf of Older Adults

 Organizations Funded to Empower, Organize and Support Older Adults

Washington, DC —  The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today announced five new awardees in a multi-year campaign to empower, organize and support economically vulnerable older adults. The announcement expands NCRC’s commitment to the financial well being of older Americans, following the launch in 2011 of National Neighbors Silver, a national campaign to safeguard the financial security of today’s seniors and future retirees.

“Today’s older adults are working longer and living on less. For some, retirement is but a distant dream, while others face the challenge of stretching their savings or going back to work. Seniors are often left to navigate these challenges on their own. Through National Neighbors Silver, NCRC is deepening the capacity of community-based organizations to help older adults achieve economic security, moving from ‘you’re on your own’ to ‘we’re all in it together’.” said John Taylor, President and CEO of NCRC.

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Foreclosure Damage Index

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Capital One / HSBC Credit Card Unit Acquisition

Background on Capital One Acquisition of HSBC Credit Card Unit Join the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and our members and allies across the country in requesting that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency extend the comment period and hold hearings on the Capital One Financial Corporation’s proposal to acquire HSBC’s credit card unit.

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John Taylor on PBS NewsHour | Oct 24, 2011 Read More »

NCRC Releases Report on the Impact of Foreclosure Crisis on Communities of Color

The Foreclosure Crisis and Its Impact on Communities of Color: Research and Solutions

Washington, DC — As the foreclosure crisis continues unabated, destroying wealth for American families and undermining the stability and vibrancy of communities, NCRC’s recent whitepaper serves as an in-depth investigation of the success and weaknesses of the major federal and private foreclosure prevention efforts. The paper also examines proposed solutions to rebuild the homeownership markets. The paper has a particular focus on the impacts of the foreclosure crisis on people and communities of color.

The report addresses three critical aspects of the foreclosure crisis:

First, the foreclosure crisis is disproportionally affecting communities of color, and continuing without any meaningful preventative intervention. The homeownership rates for communities of color are at their lowest levels in over a decade. It is expected these rates will drop even further, which would wipe out over 15 years of gains in homeownership rates for people of color. The combination of foreclosures and falling home prices has also resulted in a catastrophic loss of wealth, in particular for people and communities of color.

Second, there are several strategies and solutions that could significantly halt the foreclosure crisis, as well as repair the damage, but no policies are actively being debated by policy makers. There are no signs that the HAMP program will be significantly improved to have a greater foreclosure prevention impact and, given the current political climate, it seems unlikely that any additional funds for new foreclosure mitigation efforts will be forthcoming. Finally, many proposals to rebuild the homeownership market would actually further undermine the housing markets. 

Third, there is no national clearinghouse of information on foreclosures that is systematic, searchable, and comprehensive. A comprehensive clearinghouse of data and research would enable more effective responses to the damage that is occurring to families and communities by the foreclosure crisis. Without a central hub of information, it is also difficult to understand the long-term damage the foreclosure crisis will likely have across cities and communities.

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White Paper: The Foreclosure Crisis and its Impact on Communities of Color

The Foreclosure Crisis and Its Impact on Communities of Color: Research and Solutions online pharmacy lexapro for sale with best prices today in the USA As the foreclosure crisis continues unabated, destroying wealth for American families and undermining the stability and vibrancy of communities, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s (NCRC) latest whitepaper serves as an

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Capital One / ING Direct Acquisition Fact Sheets

Background on Capital One / ING Acquisition The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) announced that it will oppose the Capital One acquisition of ING Direct USA, citing serious concerns about the impact of the deal on consumers, communities and the economy. The deal would make Capital One the fifth largest bank in the United States.

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Complaints Filed Against Capital One for Problematic Mortgage Servicing

Capital One Denied Homeowner Access to Help for Unemployed Homeowners and HAMP

Washington, DC — The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today announced that is has filed a complaint with the District of Columbia Government Office of Human Rights and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), alleging that Capital One has violated local and federal fair housing laws by denying an unemployed homeowner access to a program for unemployed homeowners, as well as a federal mortgage modification program.
“Where there is smoke, there is often fire. Our complaint must be fully investigated to determine if Capital One has routinely denied borrowers the best assistance available to them. Capital One’s failure to participate in mortgage modification programs is cause for serious concern. The regulators should not allow Capital One to take over ING Direct’s $41 billion mortgage portfolio without a demonstration that they are in compliance with the law, and will act to ensure customers have access to the best loan modifications,” said John Taylor, president & CEO of NCRC.

The case concerns Ms. Cembrye Ross, an attorney in the Washington, DC area, who sought help from Capital One for her mortgage when she became unemployed. Capital One did not offer Ms. Ross a sustainable modification, even though she would have qualified for help under both the DC HomeSaver Program, which helps unemployed homeowners, and the federal Home Affordable Modification Program. Capital One, which was not participating in either program, instead steered Ms. Ross to a proprietary modification that was not affordable to her. Following the filing of the complaint, NCRC was able to stay the foreclosure that Ms. Ross faced.

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NCRC Announces 2nd RFP for National Neighbors Silver

 Selected Grantees to Address Economic Security of Older Adults Through Organizing and Education

Washington, DC — The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), with support from The Atlantic Philanthropies, is pleased to announce its second round of funding for National Neighbors Silver, an initiative to support and empower older adults nationwide.

As the United States suffers from historically high rates of foreclosure and unemployment, older adults across the nation are particularly susceptible to financial insecurity and instability. NCRC’s recent report about the financial stability of older Americans noted that over 13 million older Americans are economically insecure, living on only $22,000 or less each year.

“Many older Americans face new challenges in this economic environment. The sharp reduction in the value of most seniors’ primary asset — their home — means that they are now especially susceptible to financial insecurity. Through advocacy, organizing and education, National Neighbors Silver supports participating organizations to directly tackle the root causes of the unique economic challenges faced by America’s older citizens,” said John Taylor, President and CEO of NCRC.  

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